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Everything posted by jacob

  1. if it all runs as it should mate ill have it for my son,
  2. jacob


    WELL SAID good avatar
  3. is that the big bang method
  4. jacob


    what area did you get him?
  5. are you gettin a tool fetish mr shitter,if you only need a couple of big holes ,draw youre circle,drill lots of small holes and give it a tap with youre hammer or drill one hole in the middle of youre circle and use a jigsaw
  6. jacob

    scum itv4

    where did you do it?
  7. jacob


    :sick: sorry about that,but thanks for the info
  8. its the none educated you gotta watch
  9. i used to think it was all bollocks ,until one saturday morning last july i was out and about with my son and the dogs , i was walking down part of the wealden way in sussex,the dogs were off in the woods ,and my son was lagging behind, on the track/path way,so i stopped ,and turned to see where he was,i spotted him straight away with all three dogs working there way back to me,i didnt say anything i knew theyd all catch up,i turned to carry on when directly in front of me crossing on the path from one side of the woods to the other, was a black cat :icon_eek:panther it was completely silen
  10. thats shit luck mate,get yourself another pup as soon as you can.
  11. rise of the foot soldier,i dont think its out yet,but i saw it the other day courtesey of the local chinese mafia you know the ones ,you wan dvidee,jiggy jiggy. true story of carlton leach,most violent film ive seen.
  12. and after much pondering , the answer is creation then evolution
  13. when i first read this,i thought another money grabbing b*****d, using their position to make money out of people, for what they used to do for free ,i think that was part of the attraction to field sports in general, it didnt cost anything ,and why should it,but then i thought ,hang on hes a struggling farmer with lots of acres to look after, and probably plenty of mouths to feed ,and the government subsidies barely cover his outgoings,and a mans got to make a crust,or two.
  14. thats a feckin shit deal mate,adapt and overcome
  15. thats infectious im,feckin crying with laughter,good one jasper
  16. just go to a field late at night,shine a torch ,make a rabbit love call ,and when they come rushing out, let go of the dog !!!
  17. jacob


    hes nice mate,theyre a right handfull together though.
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