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Everything posted by jacob

  1. id go with that ,stinkers with instinks is all you need.
  2. smear some vaseline on em,they should just drop off by the next day.
  3. jacob

    magic trick

    i still dont get it,did anyone see derren brown asking people for their wallets and watches at blackpool,and they just gave em over,thats magic.
  4. jacob


    done that ,they saved o.k just wont load
  5. jacob


    I cant load pics from camera it says no file selected but it will load pics that are googled any ideas.
  6. you wont get any sympathy from me.now get on with it. tart
  7. fecking pratts make me laugh,how many times have you heard ,i would do it myself, BUT, i just dont have the time ,or if my back didnt hurt id do it myself ,let me translate that,please do a good professional job for me ,but dont charge me too much because im a tight c**t,but ive got to have it done by a pro because my wife says so ,because she knows what a bodging c**t i am. the best place for ameteurs diyers and do anything poloks is feckin A+E.
  8. get some poles to do it cheap for ya quality work guaranteed
  9. when do you want to do it,you said on the building trades thread you were working 7 days a week and youre booked up for about a year,are you speedy gonzalez
  10. its not called that anymore its called rated people now because it was sexist honest you google it
  11. Technically we are in a recession you only need about 6 months of a down turn of the economy and we have had that the only thing keeping the economy going is the high fuel prices thats what i think what happens when the haulage business cant run anymore because of fuel costs.
  12. bnp could make some real changes.
  13. they will be better off then us mate they get everthing paid for we get the left overs it will be us lot that suffer there rights are greater than ours human rights we pay in they take out and never put fek all back i am not a racest but times are getting harder and they are taking the p s i know mate ,its not a racial thing, its a numbers thing,3000 a week theyre letting in,crazy
  14. if this credit crunch does hit hard for a while it might be a good thing,starve the c**ts out,theyll have no choice theyll have to go home.
  15. pretty shit in the private sector too many people all fighting for the same work about as cut throat as ive ever known it ,credit crunch is coming if it aint already here .ive got a feeling its gonna get worse before it gets better.
  16. so what are you saying?
  17. its a herbal remedy an amino acid ill stick to deep heat and getting my mrs doing everything.
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