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Everything posted by southdurham

  1. rip jake dug two him a few times a true worrier chip up dab
  2. six days over 6healthy chock drops two day
  3. wots the longest u had a bitch over dew with pups
  4. i think that stocko had that britton dog his pic in edrd years ago
  5. bet ther was a few hurworth country foxs in ther
  6. ive dug two that bitch all season she will of had over 20 digs she works like a vetran alot of the digs were big spots so i think if a man wants two breed of his bitch its his choice told him big mistake puten his pups on here thank you
  7. just had a call of mrh if mobs are watching can they take his name of posts thanks
  8. allways ends up the same on here ive seen that billy dog work 3 times then it went back two were it came from i had a red dog called billy out that line i gave it away it was poor only two be sold on and on i never put him two sleep because he went two a lad for bushing and was sold on and i have seen proper stuff out of that line gud and bad in every line thanks
  9. is that stocko still kicking about he upset lot of men him that man mut of had loads of dogs through his hands some proper stuff [bANNED TEXT] ive herd aswell but he a crank
  10. that stocko ended up with the grip dog i herd and he had its son gyp he had it at stud in edrd few years ago was the jester dog any gud
  11. as i said befor my mate had that dog few year ago i seen i walk twice if its same dog and i think it is he sent it back and it was sold again
  12. is billy that choc dog he has and he must chuck better pups than he is if its same dog i saw
  13. is he from a place called clone
  14. bullx and terrier pup bullx strong fawn dog working scars terrier ruff haired 6month pup dog stolen fron tebay yesterday between 12.30 and 1 in afternoon out of back yard
  15. ther were a few jobs on for this season
  16. i have one not bad bit of kit but i had two put plumers tape on threds when it got beded in handel was half turn out two shaft but tape sorted it solid pice of kit £40 thats [bANNED TEXT] they are
  17. i wanted .22 they granted .me .32 2 shot pistol lots of letters two hunt masters and me loads of hasel thats co durham
  18. that stocko and his pal had it up for stud if iam wright was he bred out of grip
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