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Everything posted by drut

  1. Yes the Yukon lens will fit the Newton,I have one(aldi)with home made dsa.Works OK with added IR.
  2. "Have you ever shot a rabbit with the segmented ammo? Did the bullet actually segment?" Shot quite a few,bullet splits into 3 "petals" right enough & makes some mess!Whether ricochets split & thus travel less far is the question I would like an answer to.
  3. Accurate enough out of my CZ & hit hard but still get ricochets although they do sound different.Won't buy again because they are too loud,at least 50% of my batch definitely going supersonic.Hard to chamber in CZ as well as expensive are other downsides.
  4. Use a "doghouse" pop up occasionally,mostly waterproof but seams leak slightly after longer sessions in rain.Quick to put up/down ONCE you get the knack.Quite comfy sat with a flask of coffee & hand warmers this time of year,lack of groundsheet means I carry bin bag to lie stuff on & I also carry a couple of bits of wood to stop my chair feet sinking in really soft ground.Had some good results with rabbits with it with the odd magpie & crow as a bonus but got to pick your site carefully.
  5. http://www.staffs-synthetic-stocks.co.uk/firearms.shtml Might be to your taste,also look under"custom" for more. Regards:D.R.
  6. Used 220+ of these up to now (CZ452).Hard push to chamber,close to limit about 1 in 10 go transonic with a rare crack,they do ricochet but not as often & with a different sound(milder).Surprisingly accurate(normal cci subs not in my gun)but expensive.Certainly hit with some "wallop" & they knock rabbits down better(chestshots) than my normal favourite Winchesters.Still can't make my mind up myself about them due to the noise & cost.
  7. Agree with you totally.Read thread on Airgun BBS and think you got a c**p response. Common sense is needed in choice of calibre and FEO area advice as well as BBS.
  8. http://www.kermitairgunclub.com/airguntips/compressor/
  9. I am trying to come to terms with sticks: i've got X3M1 tripod & made a "Bi-Fur Pod" as per Varmintals site but find I am more accurate with a Harris 13-27 bipod used fully extended from kneeling position for quick shots.
  10. http://www.rimfirecentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=197888 Could be firing pin spring needs checking.
  11. "I found Remington Subs yielded many more 'runners' on Rabbits than the other brands" So did I but I have to admit they are clean & very accurate in my CZ, as I normally chest shoot rabbits I use Winchesters normally.
  12. Locally Remington £20.00@500,Winchester £27.50@500, Eley £37.00@500 is what I am finding.(Newcastle upon Tyne)
  13. http://www.rimfiremagic.co.uk/new_firearms.html SYSS only list stainless with synthetic stock but they are the people who can probably answer your query,be worth giving them a ring.
  14. BASC for me although I feel a bit of a peasant when I read their magasine
  15. Had one for a couple of years,fitted Hushpower silencer to it and it earns its keep. A little long with silencer but handles OK, reliable & seems well built although not what you would call sophisticated. Plastic ring on barrel allows logun lamp to clip on.
  16. Having also tried CCI,Eley & Remington in my CZ452, Winchesters are my favourite: I can get them for£9.50 less @500 than Eley & although not quite as accurate they hit hard & I find them more effective for chest shooting rabbits.Although I can buy Remingtons for£20.00@ 500 locally & find them accurate( I know others don't ) I find they have'nt got the impact of Eley or Winchester on rabbits. I did have problems with one batch of Winchesters in that they were sticking in chamber. Regards: Duncan
  17. "All paper work will be on it's way today, but just one issue that was worrying me is the bit about physical disability. Hopefully as long as you have at least one eye you should be OK? ( no desrespect to anyone so afflicted). It's just that do to a series of hospital bluders and an RTA I am now sort of classed as disabled, walking issues, back welded together etc. Can't see that this can affect the application? or can it? Anyone had any issues?" I have walking issues (Left ankle crushed in accident) & this was no barrier to FAC or SGC, my pigeon shooting friend needs two sticks to get
  18. Thanks for that!Given me some ideas:having to find tree or post in right place can be difficult. Regards: D.R.
  19. Hi:I have a Hushpower single(Pedretti) 12g & .410 Baikal with 10" Hushpower silencer. 12g only quiet with subs(Eley 32gm 6's) but .410 works well with 2.5" Lyavale Express. 12g seems loud if pointed at woods or building etc. that reflects the sound but OK skyward. .410 I manage to use in our garden without the neighbours noticing. Eley do a subsonic .410 cartridge (have a look on Just Cartridges & Saddlery & Gunroom websites) but am so happy with Lyavales have not looked for anything else. Regards:D.R.
  20. Hi: Have Hushpower mod on Baikal .410 & it works fine. Lyavale 2.5s seem best combination noise/punch. Only bother is scew fitting has to be bored(lathe) to fit barrel. Regards:D.R.
  21. Hi:Greetings to all from Newcastle upon Tyne.Glad to join you.I love to shoot those wascally wabbits with shotgun or airrifle.Look forward to learning from you. Regards:D.R.
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