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About pennstatepitt

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  1. Forgive my extreme ignorance, but do you always dig down to a fox, or will the terrier flush the fox for a sighthound to course? thanks.
  2. Hey everyone. I'm from the eastern US. I joined the site because I'm interested in sighthounds, but there aren't many sights. I've hunted beagles on rabbits for the past 8 years. I'm 20 now and I'm in college. I'll be getting into falconry next year and I just got a redbone coonhound a couple weeks ago. She's 9 weeks old now and she'll be chasing either raccoons or coyotes in 6-8 months. The eastern states are pretty enclosed, mostly forests, and we don't have any of the hare species here, so I'll have to put off the hare coursing for a bit. There's a couple pics of my pup, she's a fem
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