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About nigel

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  • Birthday 20/07/1970

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  1. Yeah im getting that message too,i clicked on th cache and that took me to it the forums ok
  2. Hi guys,pigeons on peas still on my permission they dont seem to have bothered the clover for past month or so mainly because i think the grass is just to high,peas about couple or so inches high,got set up today at about 3pm packed up at half 6 and managed 31 and 4 crows,what i did notice was the field next to where i was was barley,there mustve bin some laid on the far side as this was attracting a large number of crows and pigeon unfortunately i dont know who it belongs to,whilst in the hide got a phone call from a farmer friend saying they had cut some grass and did i fancy some rabbits,wh
  3. Hi mate,how about trying your local butchers for meat scraps,thats what i do and what i dont use i freeze,i get mine for free so its worth asking them,assuming you live near a butchers that is....
  4. Well think ive sorted the age problem out,went again today and took 21 bringing my total for the past few days to exactly 50,so i think im the butchers new best friend,will have ago tomorrow and leave it till afta crimbo and have another go......merry xmas to all....
  5. It just kinda made me wonder coz the youngest jill is only 6mths and after the first set of holes she seemed to refuse to go down anymore holes,so decided that she may be a little to young and so put her back in carry box to have a sleep.....
  6. Hay Guys and gels, Just a quickie question if i may,whats the earliest age would you recomend to start working a ferret?
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