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Everything posted by Hunting-top-shots

  1. thanks for the Nr and happy hunting to ya all HTS
  2. Hi Guys, after talking to patterdale moocher and thanks again PM for your help he advised me to put a spot asking for the contact details of Brian Nuttall or some one with advice about where to get a blood line Nuttall Patterdale. and if possible how to get a dog to Germany the lab i took with me in the car but it is a long trip for a young dog. Cheers Guys
  3. have you sold him ?? looks like a super pup
  4. fluc sake some people need to have their blood pressure checked before they turn the PC on. what would your reaction of been if you got an answer like this when you stared Halfinch! we should all be glad that someone is starting hunting in this day and age protect our sport and also the people starting. I do though agree with you and Jenski87 should try and tag along with someone to show him the ropes. HTS
  5. works ok just loft the full body decoys up into the tree and wait, if you don't want to buy a lofting pole then throw a stone attached to fishing line as high in the tree as possibel and then make loops using figure 8 knots in about 2 foot spaces then tye the 2 ends together and just attach the decoys to the fishing line and lift them up. I leave the line in the trees all year round just tie it to a nail in the trunk otherwise it will blow up into the tree, it is faster than lofter poles after you have set it up. Cheers HTS
  6. I inherited a pair of H&H sisters 20 bore a few years ago and have only been able to use them while Pigeon shooting!! if you take them anywhere else everyone wants to give them a swing HTS
  7. Hi Guys, does anyone have a link for U tube as I can't seem to find it. Cheers HTS
  8. Hi, been looking for a terrier for a while here in Germany for the Foxes, what type or mix would or should I be looking for. over here there are the Germany terriers but they are normally used for the boar in mais fields or woods. so now I am looking back home for some advice, have read abit about staffs mixes but no body has them over here what are they like?? cheers and good hunting HTS
  9. Hi, they are good working on a farm put it on a post or Gate next to the tree that the crows normally sit in on and watch them come. if you are trying to decoy them it is better to use the Crow decoys and a hide. or pm me and I will give you a better Tip Cheers HTS
  10. not bad I have one over here in Germany! use it for goose hunting, takes a bit of getting used to shooting laying down but appart from that they are Ok. not the best thing to buy if you have a back problem CHeers HTS
  11. Merle has just about said it all I have 2 set´s that I have tried for nearly 5 months different crops and areas and they are CRAP!! the wings seem to move to fast and the pigeons turn off better of using 2 or 3 Floaters with dead birds. Cheers HTS
  12. http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/index...showtopic=58603 Hi, I have put some PDF's on the site to show how to set up the decoy pattern have a look at the link. Cheers HTS
  13. for Pigeon 7 are ok but 6's are what I use kill cleaner and further.
  14. I'm putting one up for sale on the 17th if you're interested Where + how much
  15. cheers for the answers the only reason I was after a beem that would go about 400 m is to see the foxes and call them in, have not tried shooting that far a fox at 250 looks a fecking long way away and i only use a .222 I have the S+B 56mm scope on it so night light is good. what do you guys think of the Tracer Max Pro from Deben?? again thanks for the answers H-T-S
  16. could someone please let me know what sort of lamp to buy there are so many of them on the market. I would like it to be mounted on the rifle but also hand held, batterie opperated and with a red flip open filter. the beam should go about 400m and if at all poss with a dimmer! thanks for your answers. H-T-S
  17. Give UK Shoot warehous a ring http://www.ukshootwarehouse.com/ Cheers H-T-S
  18. It can be done you would either need the flock decoys or the silo socks from UK shoot warehouse for the best results. when you use these 2 types of decoys the rain rolls off of them and they do not shine Have a look at the Rotary question if you need to know how to set up your pattern Cheers H-T-S
  19. Rotarys are not as simple as everyone thinks, just switch it on and the pigeons wait in line to land has never happend to me if the rotary is in the pattern. you should put the rotary out at the end of one of the lines have a look at the PDF , it is what I use over here in Germany to teach the Germans where and how to decoy Pigeons.. Hope it helps H-T-S Pr_sentation1.pdf
  20. would you be kind enough to tell us where so that we can all turn into flock experts!! Cheers HTS
  21. this should be on the box every "B" night. hat of to the Warrener good shot HTS
  22. they are on fishing line and all you have to do is pull them down and wind in the line. that is if they are in the air, most of the time they are on the ground but I also have to say that when they are in the air they do pull the Pigeons, I shot 23 birds with no decoys but it was windy . there are better things on the market. cheers HTS
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