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Everything posted by Hunting-top-shots

  1. will keep my eyes open up there for a spin tomorrow otherwise good luck and let us know when ya find your terrier what is its name????? HTS
  2. BEEN READIN HIS TOPICS BEEN TAKIN THE DOG OUT ALL SEASON AN GOT NOTHING MUST BE A GOOD UN LOL a lot off people dont post about there days out flat cap like yourself which is understandable, but why the hell do you insist on putting every one down who posts, i dont think ive ever seen a interesting post by you, every post is bitching and putting people down, you most have a tiny penis. ITS LARGE ACTUALLY ASK YER MOTHER SHE SQUEALED LIKE A VIRGIN LOL. GONNA INVITE ME ON YOUR WEBSITE BIG HARD DIGGER THEN I CAN TAKE THE PISS OUT SOME MORE MUPPETS so what is your problem? d
  3. I shot a rabbit years ago with my younger cousin Mark. he ran over to get it and brought it back to the car, I can still remember him laughing at me for a job well done. he kept the rabbit on his lap for the drive back which only took 10 min. he got out and took the rabbit with him as he wanted to try one for his tea with his family. The next morning I got a phone call to inform me that the rabbit was full of fleas and that they were all over Mark and the dogs LOL. took a while but now he goes out hunting rabbits by himself and is very carefull when he picks them up looking first for the dread
  4. thanks fot the info i have ordered it and will wait and see, Thanks HTS
  5. cheers for the answer here is a link to the u-tube site that I found the cubbi trap set up on. I am also wanting to use it for the Raccoons in my area. or copy paste the link thanks again. HTS
  6. Hi, just a question are there any Magazines on the market for earth dogs and game, I have just got back to wales and had a look but can not seem to find any . found all of the usual shooting sporter etc but nothing in them about arse up head down. any advice would be nice. Thanks HTS
  7. Hi Guys I have see a few clips on Utube about these cubbys and catching all sorts of animals! from rats to foxes. so any of you have some plans or know how to make these things as I have tried but the coni keeps moving. would be glad for your advice. Cheers HTS
  8. put Argentino Blanco into U tube and have a look or click on one of the links. nasty feckers take on mountain lion and all sorts, seen one over here on the boar hunt, too agressive were my thoughts, but he locked down and held a boar I did not see it hapen but others did. It was in the hunting mag and since then they are not allowed to use these dogs for safty reasons Typical you can buy any gun that you want and walk through the woods but not have a dog of the lead would hate to see what happend if it came up agains other dogs wíth nothing better to do than try and piss him off
  9. put Argentino Blanco into U tube and have a look or click on one of the links. nasty feckers take on mountain lion and all sorts, seen one over here on the boar hunt, too agressive were my thoughts, but he locked down and held a boar I did not see it hapen but others did. It was in the hunting mag and since then they are not allowed to use these dogs for safty reasons Typical you can buy any gun that you want and walk through the woods but not have a dog of the lead would hate to see what happend if it came up agains other dogs wíth nothing better to do than try and piss him off
  10. do you hunt fox as well.any more pics mate He will not post anymore pics I sent him a PM to apologise for some of the coments at the start of the topic and asked him if he had any other pic, he said no and would take some new pics when the hunting season starts. untill then he will have to keep the dogs locked up otherwise they run in to the woods and kill badger
  11. He's certainly got a thorn in his arse about something! might not be a thorn but a NUTTALL PATTERDALE that would also upset ya Still no reason to get your Knickers in a twist
  12. could be, could also be rape did you take any pics ?? CHeers HTS
  13. Hi [bANNED TEXT] you are better of trying to get hold of some spring steel in about 6 foot lengths with a diameter of about 7-8mm that is what I use and it works fine. Cheers HTS
  14. my ferrets wont't go in a rat hole have tried a few times but they come straight back out backwards. what have I done wrong they work fine on rabbits I have 2 albino jills sisters. Cheers HTS
  15. Hi Erik, thanks for the pics all went well and I can't wait to see you all here again.
  16. well said mate. .some pricks on here.. nice to see dogs working anywhere it gives a differant perspective send more posts of your patts you get pricks on every site just found a few on this one. stop taking the piss or what other languages can you clever Feckers speak well up mate different badger than in UK and Germany don't be put of by some of the coments on here keep up the good work. HTS
  17. what a w@nker where is the sport in that :realmad: people that go out and have no respect for the animals or the decency to give them a sporting chance shoud have the licence taken away.
  18. the magnets are ok some days and a pain in the @rse on others, if you are working a large field and the Pidgeon are landing in a different area that is when you need the magnet. take the thing to where the pidgeon are landing even if it is 100 yards away and set it up ! insted of Hyper Crap or anything else put 2 white plastic bags on it and turn it on ! one thing is for sure the Pidgeon will not be landing there again which in turn means you have more chance on the decoy pattern. if you get some spring steel that is between 7 - 8mm and 2m long you can push about 50 cm into the earth and a
  19. thanks for the info kye,so do coons have claws? how do they fight? not sure if a description of how they fight would be a good post but they also have the ability to hold things with the front paws while trying to latch on but as was said earlier on this topic it is hard to hold something with a laky or a patterdale on ya throat. thanks to all that have written on this post it has been very interesting and would hope to see some more before the topic ends up on page 13. cheers and keep hunting I know I will HTS
  20. Just loved that 3rd photo! Muddy. aint it strange the small Patterdale is on a chain attached to a bail and the mastiff is not!! but then again what would you chain that thing to we had a mastiff years ago good dog scares the holy Sxxt out of any one who came to the yard. what do you use him for ?? Top pics Cheers HTS
  21. Had working Labs all my life first on when I was 8, my Grandfather used to have a JRT called Patch but I think the last day out with some Patterdales and a couple of good lads has changed me and I am up for a Patterdale now have got my name down on a list for one so any tips for a new terrier man would be more than welcom Cheers HTS
  22. I then went out with the .222 and waited for the Feckers. it was worth the Wait HTS
  23. Hi Chip, be thankful that you aint got the feckers, they are a nightmare for all nests and pens that you would have for the birds, and other small animals. The pic will give you an Idea of what the coons can do for damage, there were no boar in this part of the maiz so we thought that we were OK untill I found this HTS
  24. no he can't drive mate but he is me car alarm LOL !!! and sorry now you sound like a cock mucker now but i dont blame you we both know wish photo's are good and wish not good for on a board like this dont for get ronnie cloot mate whitout him i did not have any of thise black ones Sorry Eric. and at this point Heads up to you too Ronnie hope to meet you as well one day. in the feld or in the bar I will be up for both. HTS
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