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About nitro

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  1. We've had the Poles offering cash for carp!! Tell um to F%@k off!
  2. Just been round my shoot and found loads of spent cases, Please people get everyone to pick um up, gives us bad press.
  3. How can I stop the skin tearing when plucking?
  4. I've got a mk2 locator, (no collar with it), good condition, sell or swap for a breeding jill ferret(s). Leicester area.
  5. Has any one got a spare collar for the mk2 locator?? I can't afford a new one, so I'm looking for anyone with a second hand one, or just don't use them anymore. Leicester area, can travel.
  6. Has anyone got any spare Jills that I can breed off? Midlands area.
  7. I like a good pole cat jill, They seem more frisky than than the others, plus being smaller your not resetting nets all the time.
  8. I always rattle my car keys when I go out to feed or fess my ferrets. That way when there being stubborn down the holes, give your keys a shake, it sometimes gets them back out. (just don't drop um down a hole).
  9. This is the first ferret I've lost in 10 years of working them, the batterys were new in the collar and locator. It's the first time i've worked this new patch.The soil was quite sandy so the tunnels can go down very deep. I've had them go down 20 feet round here!!
  10. Hi there, I just lost my first ferret, He locked onto a bunny about 15 feet down a hole and wouldn't come out. I waited till it was dark after trying to dig him out, but to joy. I returned at first light the next day, but I couldn't get a signal from his collar. So now I'm down to my last jill and she is really loanly, so i need another couple more to get back up to strengh. I could do with a hob and a jill so I get them breeding. Can anyone help? I live near Leicester and don't mind travling 50 miles to collect / meet up.
  11. Hi all, I just wanted to say hello before I get going on the site. My name is Nitro Nick, I shoot, fish, ferret and hunt. I'm looking forward to chatting with you like minded people.
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