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Everything posted by Urchin

  1. neither arsehole nor watercress - is my favourite from back home, means neither one thing nor the other we also have - sitting there like piffy Black ovver bill's mother's (if there's a storm brewing) round here they say he's got his arse in his hand (if someone is in a mood) i like odd sayings, i kinda collect them
  2. I can tell you how I got my whippets to jump - bought a house with a nice elderly neighbour, a 1m fence and a lovely big apple tree to crap under wee f*****s learned to jump it in days
  3. not nice Tis TM! there could be loads of reasons why he does it - could be a deficiency ... vitamin B is one that people talk about, in which case brewers yeast should help. If he's not absorbing his food properly it could be to do with his digestion rather than his diet - but only a vet could tell you that. More likely is that it's either summat he learned to do where he was before - or he just likes the taste :sick: Try putting pineapple juice in his food, apparently it makes poo taste bad (well, worse lol!)
  4. Yup, just goes to show you shouldn't jump to conclusions. A good mate of mine is vegan - he looks a wee bit on the pale side, but its up to him what he eats ain't it? His girlfriend eats meat, so do his dogs and he has no problem with it - he just goes about his own business, not preaching to anyone.....and i respect him for that
  5. So glad he's been found LL - much too cold at this time of year for young whippets to be out overnight Hope he's learned his lesson - though I wouldnt count on it!
  6. Urchin


    Tell your mate to be a big brave boy and go to the fookin chemists!.........If he's really scaredy he can always go to one in a different area ffs if you're big enough to catch the wee buggers, you're big enough to ask for the jollop!
  7. Thought I'd come and say hello to everyone - I'm very new to this. New to the forum obviously, but also new to hunting. I have 2 whippets that I've taken out ferreting and lamping a couple of times with good mates - they love it and I love to watch them doing what they were bred for I know nowt, and am here to learn (seems like a good place to start!) so will do a lot of reading before I start asking anything.
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