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Tis TM

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Everything posted by Tis TM

  1. Thanks McKay There is a "buy it now" button below the picture of the calendar on the main forum page - right hand side... click that - simples
  2. Thanks - Yes I did - hence the reflection
  3. I could do you a customised laminated one for £20
  4. I made a nice "Seedy Fat Cake" for the robins yesterday. It's on the window sill about 3 feet away from where I sit at the computor... lovely to watch
  5. read my stars for the day : Your daily horoscope for 2 January 2010 Today you might find yourself doing some fund-raising, TONI, perhaps job-related, or perhaps connected with a group you're involved with. Your efforts are likely to be so thorough and so successful that this could lead to an increase not only in your income, but also in your standing within the group. You might find that you have a talent for fund-raising! Expect a lot of admiration and compliments from those you've worked with. I'm looking for a job.... any offers???
  6. someone and some shots to aspire to ... magical shots Hannah.
  7. out lamping - bang in the middle of the field usually, and very hard to rouse... you can get to within a few feet of them before they lift off.
  8. Hey guys, I have 15 calendars left, and could really do with moving them on now, any last minute buyers will be much appreciated
  9. Tis TM

    the girls!!

    Mmmm, love a bit o bubbly
  10. Very glad you are pleased!! Thank you !! ... As Kay said we are nearly sold out - about 15 left, and I'm hoping we'll be looking at near £1000 for each charity.
  11. Glad you like ... alot of effort from alot of people has been put into this Kay = Jan Labadoodle = Feb Emily = March April... I dont know her name... Terrier Maids Daughter = May Unknown again = June Scottie = Aug Me = Sept Terrier Maids Daughter = Oct Labsnlurchers = Nov Emily = Dec
  12. Thanks guys, from everyone involved I'm frequently being asked if there will be another one next year, but that will take some mulling over seeing as we've faced a few let downs this year - I'll look forward to hearing some opinions on it though...........
  13. The calendar reprints are being posted out tomorrow I'm guessing the post offices will be choked somewhat, so even though they will go out in the morning fist class, they could well take more than the usual couple of days to get to you. I have 25 Calendars left, so if you haven't yet purchased one, get cracking! There wont be another reprint after this as I need to get the money all sorted, and out to the chosen charities.... Thanks for your continued support people
  14. All the very best of luck in finding him a new companion.
  15. Looked at the little frozen birdie poo's and thought better of it
  16. Three kettles full did the trick with mine this morning
  17. Thats one I've never heard of! My Nan would always hang out bacon rinds, but I have two permanently hungry hounds that have even managed to get at the fat ball feeder once, so I daren't hang anything even more tasty out
  18. no probs - I have scores of birds here this morning, costs a small fortune to feed them all but its worth every penny
  19. I've been out and defrosted mine this morning, and filled up with new water... If you have one - this time of year please try and remember to remove the ice and fill with fresh water (or just pour some boiling water in to defrost etc) The birds really depend on us when all thier water sources are totally frozen. I'm now watching 5 or 6 birds at a time take turns round the bath.... looks like they really needed it
  20. Lets hope your great great Grandma is listening and pays you a visit while your tucked up in bed tonight
  21. I've seen a few as a child, then it stopped, and then started again in my mid twenties. I find it facinating... apart from the nights I was in the milking parlour washing down on my own at gone midnight.... I could have done without it then
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