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Tis TM

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Everything posted by Tis TM

  1. Oh my god where have you been? They are £11.50 inc. p&p, and ALL monies are being split equally between BADA and Lurcher Link. This was the main page with details: http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=125044 There is a buy it now button also, on the main forum page
  2. how very dare you!! i did know what you meant toni, how very dare me.......? oh BEHAVE ............................... Heheheee!
  3. the nice "hairs on the back of your neck" tingle!!! ... not what you're thinking
  4. Thank you Suzy!! I'm so glad you are pleased with it!! x
  5. Excellent thanks, it will be in the post this avo
  6. dont shatter my dreams!!
  7. Thank you guy's - we have had a few ups and downs along the way, but its been a relief to finally get them in the post On the look out for willing male models for next years one now
  8. glad you feel like that mate can i ask a question thou???? with your missus bing in to hunting i take it she's joined this site She was stood over the keyboard with a shot gun
  9. Just too heart wrenching nothing written could ever sum up how that poor family must feel.
  10. lol - well you'll have a square arse by tomorrow!
  11. That little problem is no longer so evident Calendars are going to be packed and posted over the course of today hopefully I will get them done by last post Thanks for your patience guys n girls
  12. Loving the colours of the virginia creeper!... and what a lovely springer
  13. Thats wicked my litte boy loved it
  14. Yep meeting the printer this evening!
  15. I tawt I taw a puddy tat... I Deed I deed!! Lovely x
  16. Tis TM


    Nigeria house the biggest thieving internet B8stards going!
  17. Lovely Kay, you had a stunning day for it!
  18. Ah thats what I have outside lining the path... Its the green one though, and bloody slippery! The kids think its dog poo! lol
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