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forest of dean redneck

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Everything posted by forest of dean redneck

  1. chesil beach in dorset gets a few on it.head up portland bill at night then look back all you see is coleman lamps shineing along it .either when cod around or comp on.
  2. go over to their country and try claiming benefits or opening a christian church or better still a bnp office.
  3. thought i would tell you lot so you can laugh at my expense.seen ferret free to good home on adtrader website.rang up the guy says its well handled blah,blah.so set off up the valleys to tredegar .guy gets it out of hutch passes it to me.i hold it and it sniffs me then locks on.right down to the bone. guys pulling ferret which makes it worse.as it has bottom fang in flesh .by the time he frees me i have 3 puncture wounds and pissing out blood.he turns around and says do you still want it.you can guess my answer :realmad: .he then tries blaming the way i held it.that it could smell my ferret
  4. not noticed any more pics expect you sold them now.did they turn out ok.if they survived that lot they wil be strong dogs for someone.
  5. dogs,kids and cars all swallow yer cash.hope it works out for you.got 4 boys another child on way and 3 dogs.
  6. is it me or are all the mags repeating theirselves when i had airgunner and sea angler years ago.each season would be same articles but worded diffently.and i think countrymans has been same for a while maybe because i was in my teens but didnt it seem better when it was sporting dog and in magazine format. also as i never done earth work arent you supposed to enter 1 dog only in case they start fighting each other. i know if you enter a young dog first then a older one after it the older dog will push the first into the jaws of the quarry.i had a folding spade in my landy they are shite, i b
  7. no its not relavent but good population of fallow and muntjac in forest of dean.
  8. nice dogs .good coats on them.bet their fun to deburr.my old dog was always a bramble magnet.
  9. i know their not suitable but a countrywide farmers store sale leaflet came in local paper fortnight ago and they had regatta ridgeline walking boots reduced from £40 to £20 both me and missus had a pair ideal for tramping through forest of dean.
  10. g,day nz another monteria hunter.more anti bashing than hog bashing on here :11:
  11. remember someone asking about handtools found this in a country magazine www.ascott.biz.had a quick scout couldnt see any spades but machettes/slashers/scythes/pruners.check out the sausage making kit.seem cheap i will definatally getting stuff from them based in llanymech.
  12. hi,shanedog seen your hunting trips on monteria website. what are the dogos like around your kids.
  13. i think as boar are not classed as native,being about 300 yrs.in between modern escapes and the last native being hunted.they are not on the bill.you can shoot or dog them so long as youve got landowners permission of course. :ph34r: :whistle:
  14. heres one i brought from gloucester at 6 weeks its about same age 6 months.paid 50 quid but it was full of worms.when i wormed it and it has devolped a behavioral problem its started to pull its hair out.also it attacked one of my ferrets yesterday.and it attacked a dog in the woods 2 months ago.last terrier i have.
  15. used to be popular up north years ago.supposed to combine early pace and turning circle of whippet with speed for longer runs of greyhound.also to add height to the whippet.rated ideal on rabbits.could take a hare and big enough to give larger prey a mischief.
  16. im sure there was some advertised in countrymans weekly.
  17. there is a powder called ster-zac.its been around for years used when babies umbilical cords are cut.i use it on the kids when they bleed badly.its stops the bleeding, helps the wound to clot.i dont know if its any good for dogs if they lick it off ,may upset them.just make sure it doesnt become a behavioral issue with the dog biting the wound i am stuck with the terrier doing this.started as flea allergy and now she wont stop pulling out coat and making skin bled.
  18. i have to agree with above dogs dont show enough drive.i brought some pig hunting books about new zealand hunters and they would have them bailing and holding by now.perhaps kiwi could help explain/write an article on how they start pups off over there what age an that seeing as pig hunting sec is slow at the moment.
  19. i had a cage with the mesh square in corner not everything goes through and dogs would bump cage around to eat whats underneath :sick: .have you thought of another cage and halving the ferrets in each?.
  20. anyone just see news wild boar released in devon.someone cut farmers fence nr exmoor.if anyone goes down from wales can they pick me up.my landys not working. :11:
  21. click on the heres media player pops up :11:
  22. landrover. bloke down road had to pay £94 for a second hand alternator for his mitsi :11:
  23. i used to buy them from vets he used to charge reasonable price.and let me have extra as he knew i worked my dogs.but i have moved and wold like to know if theres a mail order greyhound supplier or how to make my own.i reckon its just like a redbull or lucozade for humans.
  24. just out of interest could you teach the dog to do the same to door to door salesmen,cold callers, johos,police,nosey old b*****ds,nosey, locals and anyone else thats been pissing me off lately .
  25. i once thought of a glen of immal terrier when i typed it in the search engine a breeder in europe came up, they fed the barf diet .dogs looked ok but i dont think they work.it pays to keep your eyes open when driving in rural backwaters i once went and bought a kelly kettle off someone deep in north dorset and one of the dogs to meet me at gate was a irish terrier.they said it was a good guard dog and i think it also deterred rats and fox from the poultry.alot of probs is the prices dogs fetch ,the fanciers paying inflated prices have pushed them out of reach of working dog men whos gonna pay
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