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forest of dean redneck

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Everything posted by forest of dean redneck

  1. some sort of gsd or saluki or collie x grey would keep me in edible meat.
  2. to be honest the only running dogs i seen with a tendency to guard/protect owners were old type collie lurchers bred using decent farm stock collies.my gsd x grey is no guard dog,she will occasionally bark when someone goes past but not always.infact the wifes staff which is about 8 months old is a better watchdog.thats why i have guard dogs/watch dogs as well.which means i cant have more than one lurcher.we have a free roaming rotty and a gsd kenneled and exercised with the lurcher.funnily enough whilst talking to a neighbour the other month in a small village not on roadmaps we have within
  3. basenji ? they were the dogs the african tribesmen used to drive game in to nets and they put bells or gourds on their necks so they could hear where they were to in the long grass,they make a yodelling noise instead of barking,nice looking dog,probably rare in uk though.
  4. used to breed bearded dragons and leopard geckos but sold them all when found out wife was preggers,had corn snake & royal python,wife kept african pgymy hedgehogs including an albino one.and redfoot tortoises.and also had horned frogs and tarantulas,we still keep african grey parrot,2 conures,3 terrapins that live in a pond all year round.4 hermann,and 2 indian star tortoises.
  5. forest got hit earlier this year.4 i think in a 40 sq mile area.one persons wasnt insured as it was up for sale and they put the insurance on the new vehicle. another was taken in next village ,old fellas t reg 90" green with goodrich tyres on alloys he never got it back .hes gotta 57 plate ford engined one now. if you use defenders bolt the spare wheel to the roof as they reckon the ones stolen to order for to ship abroad they wont fit in a container that way so they dont bother with them.
  6. il try and get a pic of socks up,but the wife being pregnant aint cooperative and il lost the lead for the camera il have to use her mobile.i wouldnt sell her for 4 figures.thankyou for breeding her
  7. anything in that price range will be getting weighed in.saying that i got my wife a high mileage x reg clio for £600 couple months ago.
  8. 3 + as some dogs are slow to mature,and they can be 18 months+ before they cotton on.but are demons afterwards.
  9. yeah sounds like where the coats thinner on the elbows and its making contact with the bare floor.mine shred blankets in 5 minutes then lie on the bare floor,paper gets pulled into run or eaten so i use straw for bedding.
  10. started to use it .and every time i put a piece in the lurcher/shepherds waterbowl the lurcher fishes it out and eats it.any suggestions. tiny pieces?
  11. nice van what is it ? vw t4 camper thanks Why do you want to buy it pal?? i would if i had any money beats my caravelle.tidy motor Cheers pal, it is quite nice yeah. Its very tidy inside as well, 15" lcd flat screen tele and that palava..... plus the dogs love the double bed after running all day.. bet its handy if you do the shows ,can just sit back and have a bite or drink.
  12. nice van what is it ? vw t4 camper thanks Why do you want to buy it pal?? i would if i had any money beats my caravelle.tidy motor
  13. think the orignal poster didnt say so no one would get a free pup.if they said theyd lost the colour /breed of pup he has found then it would be a good chance of being the orignal owner
  14. come middle of winter it will be either hard to find or gone up in price,our local pet/horsey place,has ran out ,but they told me of a place and i just got a bale for 2.50.but most farmers have either baled it in big bales to get it in or its still out in the fields.the guy i got mine from has 4.5 acres still out. just thought id give everyone a nudge as the dogs will be getting wet and cold more often now.
  15. what about some organic babyfood might make his shit runnier but he could lick it down and its full of nutrion[sp]and maybe a heat lamp will make him perky. let us know how he goes.
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