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forest of dean redneck

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Everything posted by forest of dean redneck

  1. anyway back on topic i like the look of scotsmans big bruiser and would give a similar one a workout espically if they doubled as a good guarddog. but how much are they fetching now as last time i looked they seemed expensive ,mind you i dont even know how much a bull x is now days.
  2. was it a old or new shape micra will help people be more vigilant.
  3. http://www.savethestaffies.co.uk/ please cross post on any internet chat sites etc your on
  4. some lads train there dogs to find them. used to be a good black n tan strain of hedgehog finders.
  5. just got a pup its pic is in the where have all the collies gone thread 5 pages back,may have a touch of german shepherd in him though.
  6. their a pain in the arse cut a dog up rough,and mine go mad on their scent defra should rounded them up withhin couple days instead of consulting and now theres roughly hundred of the bloody things running round here.
  7. welsh sheepdog 8 weeks old in that pic if he does what i want him to i will in couple years time be breeding for my own use over my gsd x greyhound. i dont need speed and she gets too much attention when im out.
  8. needs to go. according to me wife ive been a bit harsh in the ad its jaw isnt that bad.
  9. my wife "rescued" a jr from a crap home,it had been kept for 9 months in a kitchen where it had been bred,it took us a fortnite to get it to come to us but its devolped a fascination with our small animals namely our parrots and our pet rabbits its busted a hutch open and killed a rabbit. my 2 yr old toddler has pulled it around took toys off it etc so seems fine with kids/adults etc just not other animals its had its jabs and is lead trained pretty well but according to a jr expert who viewed the rest of the litter they are inbred he had a retained testicle and a crap jaw we were getting
  10. used to be able to get a licence to ferret forestry land but no dogs were allowed. ring or write to them and ask if you could do some.
  11. no i was selling her ages ago as she was sat in kennel barking her head off ,wife was ill and i had 5 kids to look after shes well racy and im well pleased with her shes not for sale anymore lol
  12. seems as though i missed a gsd lurcher thread back couple months ago heres mine that heart of wales bred litter sister of his & skycats.
  13. garden incinerator,the ones like a galv dustbin and a bucket bbq in the bottom then an old wire rack halfway up.
  14. me mum used to clean for a toff that had 2 wirehaireds they would go into a rabbit burrow at the back paddock kill one,then bring the rabbit back to the house and eat it. they slept on the back of the sofa in the farmhouse kitchen which was level with the window and always barked when anyone turned up,i got some airrifle shooting there one summer and turned up when it was hot and the window was open,went to stroke the dogs through the window and one damned near took my fingers off.
  15. wheres topper didnt he have a ebt x greyhound,sure it was him.someone on heres got one i know that,
  16. i just think the trainability of the alsation the aggression of the bull would make it ideal my friend has this cross and i just think if you add a whippet and made it slightly smaller it would be a awesome cross id be worried about the whippet blood making them throw small. there was a gamekeeper advertising some bull/greys x alsations back in the summer. also you say aggression i assume you mean for finishing quarry off and not as an attack dog,i would say you wouldnt need bull blood as a alsation /grey would be capable of doing the job. with my bitch which is the spitting image of th
  17. whoever they was, their fu*****c***s,and need to pay,preferbably by dousing in petrol and genieing a box of matches on their groins,fu****g set me up for the day this has.one time you kept your dogs outside to protect your property now you have to buy shedloads to keep hold of them. rip zak and my thoughts go with the owner.
  18. he says hes only got the bottom 2 left and their bitches
  19. good shot ,that is a nice lab,guy in village has a nice leggy black version of it,was it easy to train yours to retrieve fox,and has anyone else got theirs to do it,the guy in my village sent his black one to retrieve an antler that a fallow cast right in front of him in the woods.
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