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forest of dean redneck

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Everything posted by forest of dean redneck

  1. dont stick them in pound if their showing signs of graft they will be pts . someone will give them a working home. they might even be nicked from further afield and dumped or tried and dumped.
  2. know a couple female new age traveller types that are into ray mears style outdoors type communal cooking,spit roast cooking etc one lives in a van with a woodburner all summer.
  3. nope also theres no bit to click on last reply on a thread
  4. i think my littlun has messed around with the laptop i have had to change from thl green to ip board lo fi to get a post a topic button up and half of peoples pics are just attached images and i cant see them any ideas, i can see some pics and people signatures but the pic in the pointer cross thread and the big haul of rats in the terrier section i cant see.
  5. there all irrating as are the ads for incontinent ,smelly bits cracked lipped women who have thrush when im eating me dinner .
  6. by googling monmouth game fair 2010 living heritage website says its 17-18 th april.
  7. theres a elkhound breeder on the hereford/welesh border that had buzzards pay interest in her pups a few years ago, now the runs are covered and pups are only out on the lawn with somone sat at a bench as at £650 a pup it will be expensive meal.
  8. yeah cus theres not many 3/4 cross lurchers out there is there anyway they were mal crosses i already own a alsation x that heart of wales bred.
  9. flint 08s or any of the shepherd/grey litter that heart of wales bred.
  10. maybe the suzuki lurchers fall over in tight turns at high speeds
  11. the only bad thing iveheard about borzoi x,s is either really nasty towards strange dogs or very small dogs like terriers , whether thats because they were used for wolf hunting i dunno.
  12. jesus christ look at the size of the black pup
  13. jr pup with possibly touch of wirehair fox terrier blood 5/6 months old
  14. coypu ta i remember when they were in this country there was an uproar about the damage.
  15. seen it off and on ,on sky tv, gotta love the guy with the rock n roll haircut and loud shirts is it randy?
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