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forest of dean redneck

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Everything posted by forest of dean redneck

  1. at 77 he should be sat playing bingo not canvassing
  2. maltenby them black n whites look nice, scent like your black n white and the bushing team team you have. heres mine 1 american bulldog,1 jack russell,1 jr x fox terrier the bat eared puppy. and latest addition norwegian elkhound.
  3. http://irishhunting.myfreeforum.org/archive/balla-terrier__o_t__t_9.html
  4. gave me my first penknife at about 8 years old,made me my first catty out of a privet fork, let me make random stuff in his shed with his old carpentry tools, never did get the knack of wood working lol taught me about dogs and wildlife luckily there was still watervoles back then in my native dorset. all this was back in 79/80,s. oh and first half pint of woodpecker cider at 13 years,i was allowed 3 half pints of woodpecker or autmn gold cider at weekend evenings when visiting. still remember the twin tub washing machine,black n white portable in kitchen and the old valve set
  5. nice dogs and nice to see your holding him til next season they can be slow maturing the deerhound x,s sometimes cant they.
  6. not to destroys fence hoppers thread who owns used to own this cross pics would be nice too
  7. looks like a quick accelerating [sp] dog
  8. A little wrong perhaps but scraping your front teeth along to get all the crispy bits off is totally acceptable. . . .. . and IMO the RIGHT way steady on there young lass
  9. glad shes back and also it was in a house and not the pound
  10. normally prefer a nice sugary doughnut or artery clogging lardy cake but the chocolate ones and the pics after do look scrummy, are there free samples or does she need a experienced consieur of cake as a quality control expert/batch tester
  11. dressing up a dog ffs whats wrong with people these days.
  12. smart looking beardie how many have you got there,cant remember if it was 3/4 when i picked socks up from you. No they are both lined bred full working bearded collies I have his son who is accidental mating Jack russell cross,what a worker ta i read your thread i meant 3 or 4 dogs lol
  13. be handy x for pushing big stuff out of cover. anyone got pics of this x.
  14. smart looking beardie how many have you got there,cant remember if it was 3/4 when i picked socks up from you.
  15. stick it on ebay under romany/gypsy it will sell.
  16. seen quite a few vw t4 vans done in camo and army matt paint colours
  17. wasnt there a pic of one in walshs lurcher book
  18. thats a good black filly there what height that ?? mine? 13 hand roughly.
  19. what you got to remember is just because a dog of a certain breeding works well,another from the same or similar breeding wont.
  20. nope it was just someone trying to breed a line that wasnt dense with unneeded bone mass and over fluffy coats. now this fella doesnt hunt his but is probably the closest to how they used to be used. http://www.alaskanarcticexpedition.com/aboutus/about.html
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