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forest of dean redneck

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Everything posted by forest of dean redneck

  1. Least they ain’t blurry now
  2. Sorry DC never seen the reply from zeroing the scope I found it easy to use with the side lever , and easy to zero in , the mags are bit fiddly to reload I wouldn’t want to do it in a field on a cold winters day with my arthritic fingers but I have 2 mags so that’s 36 shots probably way more than I need . I took it out night time ratting on my work supervisors permission and it wasn’t a burden to carry but I didn’t get to fire a shot as every time I turned the torch on the rats ran . So got to get night vision add on when I ordered the scope I thought it was illuminated but I was wrong l
  3. He just won’t admit he’s wenglish , All that In the wye valley is rubbing off on him , bless him .
  4. I suffered with them as a teen on both big toes apparently you should cut the nail straight across and not curved each end ? Used to go to the gp and I’ve had them frozen and cut down the side then it yanked out , then I used to butcher them myself and in the end I was referred to hospital was given general anaesthetic and had both removed and nail bed bone scraped was told they would grow back and both did jagged and horrible looking lol
  5. I already rock the dad bod or my winter insulation .
  6. Yeah I remember the lady poacher teamed up with another lady if I remember rightly ?
  7. Last nights fare just had the last 3 slices for breakfast . the onion peppers and tomato counts as 3 of my 5 A day right ?
  8. Trouble is there’s 2 different sorts or was ? The old school who was either after something to eat or sell or the hare courser after the thrill of the chase . They would enter and leave that’s it . The second lot think it’s funny to set their dogs on anything , lamping hares isn’t sporting they just want pics of their dogs and stuff to boost their egos and prices of puppies . Then there’s the driving through fences hedges and gates ,leaving dead deer on the ground and theft of fuel / equipment and vehicles . No wonder the farmers get pissed off and like been said decide to extermina
  9. Seen that one other day they reckon it’s written off .
  10. I think it helps if your a hunter tbh , your senses are attuned to the movement of the animals in your vicinity
  11. Your be overrun with them , was watching nearly 20 this afternoon including an albino hind but to far away to get a pic on my phone unfortunately .
  12. Let’s not forget the generous giving of binoculars etc to a once forum member in need lol
  13. Other thing I get a lot of is asking to post stuff out when in the advert I’ve clearly said no posting !
  14. I missed out on a expensive bushcraft axe other day get the odd gem in cheap 80-90s bikes etc lot of the still available and no reply can be down to iPhones accidently sending it if you scroll along to quick I’ve done it and had it done to me as well , only difference is I follow up with a it was a accident message .
  15. Yeah funnily enough I had someone supposed to turn up last night , apparently they couldn’t find the place so instead of just messaging me they drove off .
  16. There’s a boat that does bird watching cruises from Poole harbour to towards wareham they have quite a bit of success .
  17. Got couple hanging around in Poole harbour and Osprey nest there in summer .
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