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forest of dean redneck

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Everything posted by forest of dean redneck

  1. Seen this yesterday sure opened her leg up quick .
  2. If she ever had kids could play this classic to them
  3. Rumour had it the leopard heard you was coming over so it surrendered lol
  4. Every time I see a crackhead on a bike , I yell that’s my bike Just to see how fast they can pedal !
  5. Anyone watch the Python hunter pest controller videos in Florida they got a few gwp dogs use them for retrieving and dispatching iguanas ,scenting out pythons and their eggs and feral hog hunting . His main dog Otto grabbed a monitor lizard other day .
  6. If I remember rightly she pays for her parents holidays or house ? I think they hired an air bnb on the 100 bloke warm up .
  7. It happens I vaguely remember telling someone to keep some books I sent out cant remember what or who it was though . Only hunting book I got left is The lurcher by Simoman off here and that’s signed so it’s a keeper .
  8. Last I heard I posted it to joe777 and I can’t see the post only where it’s quoted so assume he was banned and his posts deleted ??
  9. It’s the ghetto speak /drill/grime music shite now I know most parents hated their kids taste in music my parents don’t like rap or dance music or heavy metal etc but it’s like they are not bothering it’s mumbling like their stoned and doing weird waving of the hands pointing of finger shit ,least nwa and public enemy had catchy beats lol Then you got the easily offended don’t know which gender /sex they are work shy useless idiots that make up the others that don’t think they are road men . Give it 20 years and it be like the soft twats on the demolition man film .
  10. Yeah heartbreaking to see the pics in paper . Talking to people that kept livestock on moors and in the forest and they lost all the generations of breeding that knew where the resource's were and then to have to start up again buying in new stock that didn’t have a clue where to go to find feed water shelter etc . it could be the end of many a farmer here then the land will get rewilded or built on , the uk agriculture will go same way as the manufacturing industry at this rate then we will be to reliant on food imports , I wonder if it should of stayed as small farms with animals takin
  11. Just seen there’s outbreak of foot and mouth in Germany if it gets over here then it be will spread like hell with the deer population the way it is.
  12. Yeah it’s been happening to me off n on for about a month ?
  13. Greyman I tried sending you a message regarding some Forest of Dean info I just heard about but your not receiving them atm.
  14. Bet they will be lining up to go on her wing lol
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