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forest of dean redneck

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Everything posted by forest of dean redneck

  1. So to recap you went away with your wife and spent most the time stood in a cliff looking out to sea like captain ahab ?
  2. Happily married is bit like the term police intelligence it’s bit of a contradiction !
  3. That’s the trouble with dogs they don’t live for ever ! 15 years is good going though .
  4. Plays for me you might need to be on fb to watch it?
  5. 1.8M views · 40K reactions | | By Harmeyer Taxidermy LLC | Facebook WWW.(!64.56:886
  6. Same here just a airgun for bit of rat shooting might ask around see if anyone wants some squirrels thinning out before the pine Martin’s spread and supposedly kill them all .
  7. https://www.itv.com/news/anglia/2025-01-28/hooligans-driving-4x4s-film-themselves-leaving-trail-of-destruction this the one ?
  8. You wouldn’t when I open my mouth
  9. I’m all civilised now I’m back in Dorset .
  10. I didn’t know if it was like an old wives tale ?
  11. There you go might as well get the piss ripped out of me!
  12. You must be popular at pub quiz’s and trivial pursuit lol
  13. I don’t think he can catch deer now with his bad back and age ?
  14. Isn’t it bad luck to change name of a nautical vessel?
  15. Though child’s post was funny tongue in cheek You are keeping the mind and body healthy! Watching someone lose interest in their hobbies just sitting by a fire all day and watching tv or surfing the net deteriorating isn’t fun speaking from first hand experience .
  16. Nothing really in Dorset bit of rain yesterday odd gust of wind , just seen on fb the caravan park in Cornwall that got hit static vans tipped over and smashed up.
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