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forest of dean redneck

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Everything posted by forest of dean redneck

  1. Another vote for packham and that turkey teeth twat rylan.
  2. I can imagine but to much hassle then there’s the utensil washing up lol
  3. Last nights takeaway beef chow mein sweet n sour chicken crispy chicken salt n pepper chips sat there groaning after eating it hour later girlfriends daughter answers the door she’s done a uber eats hands me a packet of mini eggs and a gold caramel billionaire magnum so I sat and ate those as well . lol
  4. Im the same haven’t bought a airgun/seafishing/countryman’s weekly in years you could buy one in say April then another next year and it would be similar articles so I don’t waste a fiver or whatever they are now.
  5. The Chinese cheap pumps are supposed to have seal issues they reckon should buy a hills ? Pump I never got round to buying one , that brocock looks nice I know they use similar guns on the iguanas and other invasive species in Florida . I always thought they had reliability issues years ago unless that’s an internet myth started by the hw boys .
  6. Sorry to hear that ray , 12 is not a bad age though for a dog these days . rip Buck .
  7. I just saw a bloke going up a hill with a shopping trolley full of horseshoes, four-leaf clovers and rabbits feet. I thought: “he's pushing his luck”
  8. My workplace says you shouldn’t be on the phone it should be in your pocket , though people do sneakily text or go on social media , I read other day that kids as young as 6 have seen sexual images in their phones I wouldn’t dream of giving one of mine a phone at 6 they had one when they went to comp , when I was 6 I was happy playing with Britain’s farm toys ffs .
  9. She did take the hammer away saying she needed it and gave me a lump hammer so you could be onto something there .
  10. Girlfriend had a leather corner sofa chewed up by a rat in the summerhouse so I offered to start breaking it up , she only had a claw hammer and a Stanley knife so I swung the hammer up high overhead to get some force forgetting she had strung the washing line across and the hammer bounced back hitting me on the forehead . Pic was after I had wiped off the blood trickling down I looked like a murderer
  11. Not a film but series on Netflix called wrong side of the tracks it’s just released latest series it’s set in Spain bit like a soap opera but some good story lines worth a watch .
  12. Roast beef dinner at shepton mallet showground
  13. Japan seems a fascinating place , I would have to try and find a samurai museum or exhibition to visit , but the mix of modern cyber/neo lighting and vending machine lifestyle with the cherry blossom and traditional minka houses . What about the Japanese elvis /rocker fellas they gather on a Sunday to strut their stuff well Worth a watch .
  14. I’m all fairness I often thought about a whippet when I retired .
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