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forest of dean redneck

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Everything posted by forest of dean redneck

  1. Fcuk pigeon watch they wouldn’t let me join last time this forum was down !
  2. It’s glad to be back it’s like coming home after being on holiday
  3. That wildcats nice , I’ve not been able to get on the forum for abit I take it it was a technical error .
  4. I was shocked as didn’t know the law had changed and they are classed as gun parts ? And you have to either get them sent to local gun shop or go buy them in person . There had been a run on them so I drove about 40 mile round trip for it lol .
  5. This just popped up on my fb feed , not a lot of info but great to see different hunting from around the world .
  6. Spaniel ? Looked like a munsterlander to me .
  7. In all fairness He wouldn’t have said if there had been problems he just would of disposed of the evidence .
  8. I was thinking of this one Had to screenshot it couldn’t copy it for a link .
  9. Thanks I can’t take credit really as I had a Google and the scope and moderator were popular choices and had great reviews . After Christmas I will start looking for some daytime permission for rats n squirrels and get night vision for it.
  10. How’s it a wildlife crime? Or are you not allowed to hunt rabbits now ? I assume he didn’t have permission and was poaching .
  11. Least they ain’t blurry now
  12. Sorry DC never seen the reply from zeroing the scope I found it easy to use with the side lever , and easy to zero in , the mags are bit fiddly to reload I wouldn’t want to do it in a field on a cold winters day with my arthritic fingers but I have 2 mags so that’s 36 shots probably way more than I need . I took it out night time ratting on my work supervisors permission and it wasn’t a burden to carry but I didn’t get to fire a shot as every time I turned the torch on the rats ran . So got to get night vision add on when I ordered the scope I thought it was illuminated but I was wrong l
  13. He just won’t admit he’s wenglish , All that In the wye valley is rubbing off on him , bless him .
  14. I suffered with them as a teen on both big toes apparently you should cut the nail straight across and not curved each end ? Used to go to the gp and I’ve had them frozen and cut down the side then it yanked out , then I used to butcher them myself and in the end I was referred to hospital was given general anaesthetic and had both removed and nail bed bone scraped was told they would grow back and both did jagged and horrible looking lol
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