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Everything posted by johnbaz

  1. Hi all Some more.. HW35 Export.. HW35 Hofmann Premier.. A BSA Airsporter Mk2 Freebie that needed a restoration job doing!! German Original Mod35.. Crosman mod1077 Not sure if I posted these two or not, BSA Lighning, Top- Mk1 Bottom- XL Both on walnut XL stocks though.. Daisy Powerline in need of tlc.. Cheers, John
  2. That's fantastic Dan!! Well done mate, hope you get it sorted for the family, that would be fab Cheers, John
  3. Damn! I just typed out another post with the mk1 and lost it somehow Anyhow!! This is the poor mk1 Airsporter that suffered in the hands of a nincompoop!! It was rather poorly!! A bit er... rusty but the black paint totally disguised it and I didn't notice it 'til I got home The owner had made an 'invisible' mend on the stock using polyfiller!! This let go when he cocked and dry fired the poor thing!! Invisible repairs.com... I set about the action by slack belt grinding on a small linisher.. Nearly done!! With the stock
  4. It's a shame you're too far away as I love doing up old guns! I've recently acquired two basket case Airsporters, Mk1 and a Mk2.. The mk2 is finished and the mk1 will be finished when I make a leather piston seal for it.. A few pics of the resto.. As the Mk2 gun came to me.. After some tlc! I don't suppose postage would be an option if I send you the money to cover materials and postage?? Cheers, John
  5. I was conned out of a pistol by a bloke on here, he was a paid up member too! I sent a cheque as payment then nothing- no reply to messages or texts for six weeks so I named and shamed him on here, he then got all stroppy saying it was a simple case of his phone deleting my address automatically! I then got verbal shite off someone on here for naming him! the gobshite could have been his next victim too!!! The bloke did the dirty on me, I thought everyone should know so that no one else was ripped off by him! He was banned eventually.. Good luck getting your money back o
  6. It looks like a single stroke pneumatic to me mate, extra long lever not needed on a springer .. Nice gun too
  7. My latest incoming is this BSA Ultra multi on a lovely Minelli walnut stock.. I also have a Webley Osprey that had woodworm in the stock!! I love the older Webley and BSA guns though John
  8. Hi I presume by your username that you're here in Sheffield!! Roughly how much do you want for the Airsporter??? Cheers, John
  9. Hi Big J This one has opened recently in Rotherham (Right on the doorstep!!)... I've heard good things about it and only one bad thing- the price!! John
  10. Yep! Pretty sure I paid £7.50 too when I murdered mine with an Airsporter! I centralised the combro with a cleaning rod then forgot to tighten the screw to hold it still! John
  11. Hi Barneysboy The Post office has had a big shake up and there is no Standard Parcels now and most of the other services have size restrictions.. Recorded delivery is now simply called 'signed for' and there's special delivery but both have limits of 610mm in length.. The only service it would seem now is Parcelforce 48, preveiosly Porcelfarce wouldn't deliver guns at all but now they do.. I think it will be around the same price that you mentioned but it's a two day service instead of 3-5 days as was the Standard parcels service John
  12. Well!! I have this... and this... But haven't gotten round to getting the adapter rings to join the two together I will do one day!! Cheers, John
  13. Hi Stevie It wasn't hard to do as the kit came with full instructions and i've done quite a few now.. Here's a HW85 Luxus stock (Beech) Someone had redone it but the wood seemed like two different kinds, the top half was very dark and the bottom half was very dark (it was really bloody strange- never seen anything like it!!).. It was full of dark blotchy patches and the spirit stain that had been used had sucked in to the end grain.. I stripped it fully back but the stain was a bitch to remove, I immersed it in an Oxalic acid bath to remove all the old oil then gave
  14. Thats looks the nuts mate love the grain is that beech and if so looks cracking ATB Aaron Thats looks the nuts mate love the grain is that beech and if so looks cracking ATB Aaron Agreed that looks a superb effort! I would be well chuffed with a stock like that! Hi Yes, it's quarter sawn Beech, the rifle is a jubilee model which should have a badge let in at the rear of the stock and two panels that depict the factory at Rastatt in Germany at the fore stock but someone had nicked them before I acquired the gun so I made a couple of Walnut panels and glued them in..
  15. Hi Stevie I refinished my Original mod45 as it was an 'orrible yellow featurless finish from the factory.. I used one of Welsh Willies kits that he sells, everything needed is in there, even rubber gloves and wire wool!! EDIT- Here's a closer pic.. Good luck with your refurb John
  16. Can't wait to see it Mike (I love looking at other peep's guns ) Cheers, John
  17. Shame he's not closer- it's a bargain for £40 If your mate looks at the cylinder slightly above the stock line and directly above the trigger, the date should be impressed into the steel, month and year but it's very small and could be full of paint if someone has given it a coat or two.. John
  18. Hi Digger It looks like an Original rifle to me as the trigger, guard and safety look identical to my Original mod45 This is my mod45.. Sorry, the safety at the rear of the cylinder is hard to see, I don't have another pic.. If it is an Original, then i'm not sure which model it is (they made loads of models!!).. EDIT- just looked at you pic again and the foresight looks identical to a Mod 45 (mine was like yous but some numpty hacked it off EDIT #2- I think it is a mod45 as the stock looks like it's been reshaped and refinished!! Good luck with the sale..
  19. Hi I used to have several Milbros when I was a kid back in the 60's, I shot my thumb so many times with them that I slung them away loads of times.... I always went and retrieved them afterwards though I still have just one Milbro but it's a maggapult It could do with a new pouch/rubber, I may get around to doing it one day too!!! I also have a bait catapult that I made from two stainless steel welding rods about 25 years ago!! It's still going great after all them years!! I work in a foundry and for years I was going to carve a few catty patterns from pi
  20. Come on Scammer- say something Still waiting.... John
  21. Hi BOb After numerous PMs and texts he's just ignoring me, his phone is permenantly on an answering service so that no one can get hold of him, he did actually phone me back and promised to 'try' to post the pistol to me.... what a lying git!!! What ever anyone does- DON'T DEAL WITH THIS SCAMMER!- he'll take your money then just ignore you the whole time... He's coming on here regularly and still won't get in touch (Thieving barsteward!).. It appears that this is his first scam so I was probably just unlucky, I just hope no one else gets caught out by him as it could be the sta
  22. He's been on again today and still won't make a reply with an explanation.. It's obvious even to me now that he's a scammer but with no previous, I can't imagine why?? I gave him the option of returning my money if he didn't want to post the gun for some reason but the barsteward just won't reoply to PMs texts or phone calls I couldn't live with myself if I acted the scamming git John...
  23. OK then He's been on here today and hasn't replied to the numerous PM's, i've texted him countless times and tried phoning him again, it goes to an answering service- it's obvious now that he's just a scammer His name on here is mynirvana, He lives at... Honiton,Devon I really thought something happened to him, I was actually worried that he may have been in an accident when all along he was just a petty scammer.. I really can't see the sense in losing an otherwise good name for the sake of a measly £40, he must not be bothered about it so neither am I Avoid a
  24. do you think maybe its ribbed for extra pleasure? Ha ha!! Good un Fry John
  25. Yep It's a Relum, Probably a Relum Jelly like mine... John
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