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Everything posted by johnbaz

  1. Hi lads I have a few pistols, The Webleys are my favourite ones though I'm a gun collector but don't really shoot the pistols John
  2. I read on an antique sword forum that the best way to clean/protect the steel from rust is to use spray polish, Mr Sheen or Pledge! As it leaves a microscopic layer of polymers that forms a barrier from damp but doesn't leave it sticky like oil which will hold dust and other crud!! I've never had a gun turn rusty in my posession! Had a few that were rusty when I acquired them though!! John
  3. Nice that LL I had one about 45 years ago, I kept hitting my thumb every few shots and threw the bugger away loads of times!! Always went and retrieved it though! I've had this Milbro Magapult for quiote a few years now!! It has a bigger set of forks on it! John
  4. Hi Midnight What sizes are the pieces you have now? Any good for knife handle blocks or scales?? EDIT- Ooops!!, Re read your post and it's promised to someone!! Ignore me!! Cheers John
  5. Hi I'll agree with what the othera Have said, A custom breech (Steel or ally) will make for much better eye relief if you fit a scope Here's a couple that I customised.. John The bottom one has gone elsewhere now, Still have the top one with the 24" barrel though
  6. Some of mine though I must confess to preferring older stuff to the modern ones Some 'little' uns Some of me favourite oldies John
  7. My very first gun was a Webley junior air rifle which was bought for me by my gun loving grandpappy!! My gun hating father wasn't happy about me having it I was eight years old, I had a brand new Webley Junior rifle (Well, A long gun as many were smoothbore and so don't qualify to be called a rifle!!) The gun came boxed with a steel target holder, Targets and red plastic reusable pellets.. I had no idea about gun safety at the tender age of eight and left the gun cocked and loaded overnight! The next morning my dad was on all fours raking the fire to set a new fire going, I raised my gun
  8. Hi Griff Those batteries look like 18650 li-ion, I bought two old laptop batteries and stripped them, Inside were six of them! If the laptop battery has stopped working then usually one or maybe two of them have gone altogether but the rest are OK, I was lucky, both batteries were still good so I got twelve batteries for £6 All of them charge to 4 volts or over each John
  9. The Combro can be a bit iffy with Co2 as it reads the cloud of liquid gas and gives some bizzarre readings!! It can also be awkward to align with tapered barrels!! I've had a Chrony F1 and accidentally shot and killed it, I then did the same with the Combro as I used a cleaning rod to align but then forgot to tighten the clamp!! I sent most of it down the garden but Robin repaired it good as new for £7.50 I also bought an old CARD Pellet Spy but daren't try it with my track record!! John
  10. I've a Raider two shot, Fantastic rifle It's a shame to strip your old gun, I didn't see the stock for sale so maybe he's dropped it and broken the stock then can't afford a replacement stock John
  11. It's really strange but there was no pain whatsoever from me doing the deed to it being fully healed!! Can't even see a mark now, Only the scars from the sledge runners! John
  12. Britain was built on blokes inventing in their sheds Brilliant work Griff, As said, your lad takes after you obviously with the quality of his work John
  13. It was only a BB pistol Griff, A Crosman 338, I'd just bought it and put a Co2 cart in, fired a few BB's then it vented all the gas I put another in and fired a few more shots and it stayed OK, I emptied the hopper of the BB's that were left but forgot that steel BB guns have a magnetic breech as the BB's would roll out of the barrel if pointed down! I left it for a week and expected the gas to have leaked away, I then committed the cardinal sin and didn't treat it as loaded, I was expecting nothing to happen when I pulled the tigger pointing towards my hand!! It had held the gas
  14. Hi Griff Most folk would have consigned the mower to the bin, Some would have tried to source a replacement deck off the bay but not many would tackle a repair on the tinworm infested one there!! 12/10 for for an excellent job!! Regarding the guns, I still try to get my projects going but I have arthritis in my hands now, It makes it a bit hard to mess with the small parts and I tend to drop things a lot!! I recently acquired an old HW80 mk1, It was pretty cheap as it was dead rusty!! I managed to get through the rust and get a polish on the action then a mate took it in and got
  15. Hi all A fewf years ago I attended a series of lectures at Sheffield University about Damascus steels and other metalurgy related topics, This was followed by a smashing dinner at the Town Hall, Everyone that attended was handed a folder with a Damasteel billet, a copy of the Damasteel handbook and a booklet telling what the lectures were about.. Each attendee got the same but with differing billet patterns, I received a 'Grosse Rosen' billet, It's gawjuss with what looks like cartwheels in the pattern (Supposed to be 'Big Roses'!!) I've not got the ability to grind it and would most likely
  16. Apparently we made a replica of the ones that were fitted to the Titanic but I was off with a dodgy knee and completely missed it!! The original ones are still at the bottom of the Atlantic but the original drawings are still available Noah Hingleyof Netherton was the manufacturer of the original ones, This is left out on display so maybe the OP could er... slip it in to his boot to hold him steady on the high seas! John
  17. Brilliant!! You've made/saved some fantastic gear I used to love 'mending' stuff and used to buy loads of non working drills/grinders/Planers etc from the bootsale but my garage was broken in to and the lot nicked! They only got a 7 1/4" Circ saw, A Jig saw and an electric planer that worked, The whole lot of the rest of the stuff was for parts!! I'll bet they thought they'd hit the jackpot!! I'd love to have been in the boozer when they sold them I'll bet they got mobbed the next time they went in!! This little drill I bought from Aldi and still use it today!, It has a 2/3h
  18. Here's a pic of one with the rearsight in situ John
  19. Hi Tats the 77 open rearsight was fixed on to the scope dovetails I have a 77 but the rearsight was removed to fit a scope by the original owner I do have a rearsight that I bought seperate to the rifle, The rifle is a 1983 model John
  20. Hi Sorry I can't see your pic but I bought this Innova (Top rifle) last year for £150, It's like brand new and came with the silencer adapter and silencer along with the original open sights and end block, There isn't a mark on it at all Someone mentioned the Ace, This is a Sharp Ace that I bought from Guns International back in 1997, It was the last batch to ever enter the UK, I bought it new for £135, it's .177cal and still shoots as sweet as anything after all these years!! (It blows Hornets and Wasps to bits ) John
  21. I had an ally Milbro as a kid, I threw it away more times than I had hot dinners, Every time it was beacause I shot my thumb!! I always went and retrieved it though!!, No idea what eventually happened to it though! I have another now but still won't hold it how it's meant to be held!! It's actually the rarer Magapult for firing Maggots in to the water when fishing! It's a bit bigger than the thumb brekkers!! John
  22. That's my rifle in the pic Darren, Not sure what the mounts are, they were on the scope when I bought it second hand, Don't think there's a name on them though Cheers, John cheers mate they are a pig to mount a scope on, and I can't find any mounts so thought I would ask the question,the profile of the grooves have changed now, and modern mounts won't hold properly, Hi Darren This, along with my two Lightnings and a Stutzen have the Dampa mount rails fitted, they take the rarer 14mm scope mounts, I can get the 11/13mm mounts to fit but then can't zero in as it offsets
  23. That's my rifle in the pic Darren, Not sure what the mounts are, they were on the scope when I bought it second hand, Don't think there's a name on them though Cheers, John cheers mate they are a pig to mount a scope on, and I can't find any mounts so thought I would ask the question,the profile of the grooves have changed now, and modern mounts won't hold properly, Hi Darren This, along with my two Lightnings and a Stutzen have the Dampa mount rails fitted, they take the rarer 14mm scope mounts, I can get the 11/13mm mounts to fit but then can't zero in as it offsets
  24. That was a beautiful rifle mate Hope you got a decent deal from the gunshop John
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