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Everything posted by dean1

  1. brown baby yes.. brown bomber no..
  2. my moneys on nambisco to..
  3. for sale yukon exelon night vision 3x50 comes in a box with case, lanyard and battery. i bought this off vadar off here and it has sat in my drawer since , 100£
  4. I went out one night about 14 years ago ,i was running my 3/4 greyhound x 1/4 alsation and my mate was running his first x greyhound x standard poodle ,we both had 3 runs each, the result was the alsation 29 itts caught three things. Now poodle could not catch any thing all night, the poodle wasn,t sharp enough or just poo.
  5. iv been asked to put this up for a friend saluki x whippet bitch 9 months old unspoilt. 150£ the dog is in hertfordshire, pm me and ill forward the owners phone number.
  6. as above, a superb bit of kit give dave at romar a bell hes a very helpfull bloke
  7. i know of a bitch who broke both her canines on one side, top and bottom, she learned to use the other side of her mouth, and to this day was rated as one of the best. her name ...
  8. i agree with woz big fields lightforce. small fields cluson.
  9. I have 2 Greyhounds, i find them very game. not looking for any type of confrontation but your interpretation of GAME must be very different to mine... i have a working greyhound who has excelled on everything shes been put on but GAME no chance..
  10. i have one here who will work all game and i mean" ALL GAME" igot her for breeding, after she is bred she will spend the rest of her life with me being worked, i cant see there being many like her.
  11. all the best to him.. i for one didnt think hed beat lacy, he proved me wrong in a cracking fight..
  12. iv got a good simmons 3-9x40 in very good condition here with mounts 20£ posted if your interested.
  13. And as for the British builders, well its about time you all got undercut! Selfish selfish selfish! Work half a day then fck off to the pub, bodge the jobs up, charge stupid amounts of money, giving customers loads of excuses about materials, (when most of it you already have, nicked off sites)! Well you decided to do an outside job, LIVE WITH IT, DEAL WITH IT, BE PREPRED TO BE UNDERCUT! WHAT A LOAD OF BOLLOCKS IS THIS PRICK FOR REAL !!!
  14. how did the list get available ? in times of resecion like where heading for now, its known people turn more to the right wing. has this list been made available by the goverment as an attempt to make them think twice about voting bnp ?
  15. dean1


    ask "ARTIC" im sure him or his mrs will be able to advice you !
  16. 380059117917 have a look here iv been using these for a few years now
  17. dean1


    i like the balistic plex on the burris
  18. as above give dave a ring @ romar... hes a very helpfull bloke
  19. im looking for a 400 cc rapid buddy bottle any spare about ??
  20. rubbish maybe, but hes still directly out of pie......
  21. hes out of pie and a 3/4 bred bitch who is also down from pie....
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