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stevie g 2005

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Everything posted by stevie g 2005

  1. just had a 100 on barca think there a knocking bet

    1. Romany


      HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA,

    2. stevie g 2005

      stevie g 2005

      dont like telling u i told u so lol


    3. Romany


      Go on stevie g, never mind they might get the easiest route through to the final again next year, and we will win some more money, ha, ha, ha

    4. Show next comments  21 more
  2. just had a 100 on barca think there a knocking bet

  3. just had a 100 mon barca the night think they are a knocking bet

  4. ur bandg on the barryvox and bellman collar is a better job imo
  5. of course it matters how there bred,its all about the blood and the lines. It just my opinion, but as long as it does what i want it to then it doesnt matter what it is.lol well i am glad it matters to some of us.blood and lines is what producing top animals is all about imho ur wasteing ur time sam trying to chat to them lol
  6. u make me laugh ur hunting a wet week stick to german shepards
  7. was chatting to mate the other day and we were on about this if anyone asks me what i have nowadays i tell i have nothing about me its steady on here now of fellas getting dogs stolen scum bags
  8. does anyone know if the moochers hunting site is back up

  9. does anyone know if the moochers hunting site is back up

  10. Agree with ye there fella but when something has been dug before and its at 3ft or 4ft the dogs obviously tested less than something at 8ft or 10ft ,the depth aint the factor its the time the dogs to its quarry i think the lads are trying to say Dog should still hold its quarry until dug to,dont matter what dept or how long it takes,let it be 5ft or 5 hours they should still be there at the end. i wiil take 2 of them lol
  11. u must have had a bad experince with peddlers [ who hasnt] i think it part of the game were in now and i pity any young lad that is starting out that has no decent contacts cos if he is serious about the game it will cost him a few pound before he finds the secert is meeting self minded folk that only have the best intrest in the working terrier. there are a lot of lads out there that live in housing estates that have done more for keeping the terrier scence full of decent working stock and alot of them only bread for one reason that is to keep there own yard stocked but most of these fella wo
  12. u must have had a bad experince with peddlers [ who hasnt] i think it part of the game were in now and i pity any young lad that is starting out that has no decent contacts cos if he is serious about the game it will cost him a few pound before he finds the secert is meeting self minded folk that only have the best intrest in the working terrier. there are a lot of lads out there that live in housing estates that have done more for keeping the terrier scence full of decent working stock and alot of them only bread for one reason that is to keep there own yard stocked but most of these fella wo
  13. i didnt do much hares preban heres one i got http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z303/stevieg2005/000_0020.jpg
  14. i dont like them to be to big i have seen a few dogs that have been dug to dead and they had suffocated them self with getting up tight to there quarry
  15. your right personaly i think its ego which on this site it is not lacking
  16. there are young dogs that give a bit of touge when a earth is really fresh but through time and work this leaves them when they relize that there is nothing at home i bought a dog of a fella from across the water wont say names and was told this dog had some decent digs payed a fair price for him anyway got the dog over let him settle in the kennel for a few weeks getting to know me when i took him out i went to a earth that wasnt to rangey but a decent enoguh dig in he went and soon he was on after 15 20 mins i decided to dig to him as it was 1.8 on the box the dog was baying away steady whe
  17. a pic of mine http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z303/stevieg2005/outtoday1.jpg
  18. is moochers hunting still down

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