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stevie g 2005

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Everything posted by stevie g 2005

  1. it well appreciated ur doing a good job
  2. i agree the bike three times a week but brake in easy 1 mile 2 mile and so on as 2 much 2 soon burns the feet off them then when u have it fit the night u go lamping use a little bit of B12 vitamans that week before u go out and ill bet she or he is bonceing out of there skin
  3. i read in a book 1 time american pie comes 2 mind just now some well 2 do english man breed them and they reckon his line was pure game he had a lot of them and only bred from the gamest of the gamest qoute me if i wrong but he put a pup down if it coward in any way at a very young age but u dont see much of them now in my opion therer a bit 2 chesty sorry about spelling thats just my bit f**k tring 2 spell that again
  4. 100 percent agree most patterdales with the right blood will start early but 2 much 2 soon at a young age sickens them 18 months or even a bit longer
  5. did anyone see the size of the fox that was shot in this months earthdog and running dog mag i seen a few biggy in me time but that was takeing the piss
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