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stevie g 2005

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Everything posted by stevie g 2005

  1. cheers terrier maid but the guy i get to bring the dog over doesnt go as far as devon cheers anyway still looking people
  2. u wouldnt have the number of the guy selling them so i can have a chat
  3. no worries mate i thought u were taking the piss what i am looking for is something that has working blood off a few genarations of workers all help gratefull
  4. wanted a russell bitch pup out of working perants all help gratefull
  5. mate imo a line is all about working so if he had 300 digs and u say he is a dug to in one pit why not
  6. as i have said on smoochers i supoose it wouldnt do the dog any harm but imo if the right blood is in the dog he will self enter
  7. nice pups are they stright halfs
  8. lurcher dog for sale 17 months 5/8 3/8 bull cross pm for more details
  9. use a long training lead let her have as much of the lead she wants then call her if she does not come back pull her in and give her a treat also if u can when she comes in use the clicker and just keep repeating it and she will soon get the drift
  10. as u say that i got one under the floor boards of a old house one time a vixen mind u no one live in it
  11. trust me mate had the long range wouldnt come no were near the bellman and flint excellent peice of kit only problem with it imo is the screw heads wear away it it can be a problem getting them out
  12. thats u southern boys always boging ur arm in
  13. looking for a russell pup out of working parents all help gratefull
  14. correct me if im wrong but the hares they use are they not captured and trained to run the course thats not whats its about in imo normal hares dont always be in big open feilds they use the hedgerows gates a lot of things to there advantage to get away there is nothing better than a dog getting one in its own enviroment and in saying that it takes some going to get one in my country anyway down there is for bookies and guys for breeding my point being it takes away what a ture course is [bANNED TEXT] hit the nail on the head and [bANNED TEXT] dont even know what [bANNED TEXT] said MONE
  15. nice one lads there to ground steady enough now
  16. really like them but there a bit pricey
  17. was just going to ask the same question greg d on this site has them wonder if he knows any uk workers
  18. it might have bolted [bANNED TEXT] know the craic with them boys turn ur head round to chat and turn back round again and hes gone and [bANNED TEXT] wouldnt even know
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