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stevie g 2005

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Everything posted by stevie g 2005

  1. my veiw is on smoochers
  2. mate not going to start a hole handling but the dup are more bitter than most catholics my point being most people dont know its called londerry most know it bye the name the people call it when tourists come to are town but all unionists will call it londerry and a large percentage dont even live in the town so why should they be upset when someone calls it derry the people of derry are happy to call it derry this prat that is making rules should worry more about problems that mean something to the people and forget her biggotry
  3. mate u do right to get rid if the pups if they were not bred the way u were told they were bred nothing worse than rearing a terrier for 16 months best of grub time training it socialiseing it for the dog to be a chucker before u start. and i know what ditch shitter says about everyone has there different needs for terriers but killing rats and hunting rabbits (imo i keep well away from rabbits) does not make a good terrier as u probaly already know even with the best blood its hard going for a earth dog anyway all the best
  4. mate these sites are a mine feild for buying dogs even pups to many clowns in for the dosh shame the terriers are going to shit cos of it bitchs see 1 season now and there bread off joke
  5. is the man still breeding terriers
  6. top quality mate and the kennell isnt bad either
  7. Message Forwarded From peter no prb mate. he has had about 20 fox all in all. the longest was about 4 or 5 hours only 2 have been pushed out of them all. 1 got away. lurchers got the other 1 so not many got away thanks paca thats the shit he sent me
  8. does anyone know how i can transfer his pm he sent to me on to this thread
  9. 100 per cent right thats a nice pair of glasses u have in ur 2 pic on bebo lol
  10. mate long runs the fox dont mind the punt :
  11. well boots mate i bought the russell off him he told me that it was doing the job guaranteed him to me. took him out 10 mins he done cocked the leg and looked at me. now before that it took me a hour to get him out of a rabbit hole i wouldnt mind but i said to him i dont know how many times look mate if the dog has any faults i will find them so with out me sounding cheeky if hes not doing what u told me u will be getting him back why i said that was because i have had bad experinces recently buying dogs off this site and that smoochers site some clowns out there and they have a cheek to call
  12. best at what frank .??????????? getting caught .... I thought the same way once, tilll i coursed the buggers they go threw every obstical possible and can fecking move like feck, over rough terrien, that would leave a brown standing i thought you had given up the drink frank sober up man and talk some sense Nahh, sober as a mad March hare mate Id say they are both equal on their own ground, but, put a brown on the bog and the Red On the fen, then the red will think all his birthdays will have come at once and the poor auld famouse, bran by bullet x zap, put back to
  13. mate if ur going to use her for bigger quarry i would advise to let her see as little rabbit as possible imo keep her to rats but if ur in to the rabbiting side of it work away mate if ur going to use her for bigger quarry i would advise to let her see as little rabbit as possible imo keep her to rats but if ur in to the rabbiting side of it work away
  14. nice mate all the best with them
  15. mate a russell has to be the most natraul ratter out there u should think about swapping ur terriers lol
  16. welcome mate nice dog he looks like a gould dog anyway u will find this site to be to ur liking as there a few fellow aussies on here all the best mate
  17. if she nuttell shes old nuttell with a heazd on her like that most of his bitches now have to small a haed imo u can tell from the spelling i had a few took me ages to right this
  18. the trenching is the worst probaly done with lads digging with dogs that sit a mile back barking shit scared to come out of fear of a boot to get back in :whistle:
  19. some of them gould bread dogs must have a bit of bull in them as well as some of them can be quite big and have a large heads staffy looking heads had 1 a few years back i got from a guy in birmingham spew after his second season but there was bull in him somewhere
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