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Everything posted by brock1

  1. i mostly walk when i go lamping & when your miles in the midle of no where with a lame dog to carry back home you whould no why i keep bullxs. 1 lurchers i had walk home with a brocken leg onece & she didnt show any pain at all & whanted to course 2 cats in the streets near where i live. bull x lurchers can take more pain than most lurcher not just give it when most lurchers have to go home becouse of cut pads & brocken nail with the od exception bullx just keep going with the ones that have to go home being the od exception.
  2. brock1

    just moaning

    one of the lads that i go lamping with cant even spell his own name but he still trys to send me a text or phone if he cant make it to let me know. even if i have to go to his house to see what his text says becouse i cant read it at least he trys to let me know. your mate would do my head in & never get a invite again.
  3. it has a lot detail & it tuck 2 sittings there is 5 diffrent blacks & grays in it. the lad that done it wouldnt charge me a penny becouse he never tatoed for a few year even though he done a apentaship in south africa but didnt think it would turn out becouse the man in the tat shop around the corner sead it had to much detail in it to use as a tato shows how much he knows & the tat still looks like it should now. i am thinking about getting a lurchers head next to it latter on by the same person as he seems to know more than the man in the shop. but he best take some money this t
  4. a local lad i see i bet you can tell that i didnt shoot them local lol. where abouts in hartlepool are you from if you dont mind me asking pm me if you dont whant to say on the forum mate.
  5. here is mine that i got done.
  6. this might sound daft mate but if you leave the dogs to mark the set for a bit longer they will mark the holes closeist to the rats. makeing the area that needs smoking before you get a bolt much smaller then i cave all the holes around that spot but so that the rat can still bolt throught it. the smoke dose not come out as fast & the set fills faster & if they cant bolt then the dogs sharp dig them out at the entrance that you caved in.i hope this helps & good luke
  7. your right there mate we all have a lot to learn but by opening another forum the beginer that needs to learn the most would be the one to learn the least. that would only lead to bad hunters & bad press for hunting wich would make hunting with dogs nearly inposable to justify wich would end in a ban. there is a old saying that your only as good as your last dig. my last dig was was a descrace & more just a rescue job 3 dogs to ground none of witch were mine no coller on any of them it was in a public place where you see more anti than any thing else 2 days diging out tubes before we g
  8. you sound like a genuine digging man i know what your on about with the antis but if you whanted to show your mates pics of your dogs on here then it would be safer to do by pm wouldnt it. that way you would know that your pic is not going to be put on a anti site & if there trusted mates & whant to see your dogs then you can send them to them & so on but i dont think that making a nother forum for earth dogs whould help i think that if the antis whant to get on they will. ance one gets on then there all on & then it is back to the same think as we already have here i think tha
  9. quote i dont think there should be another forum for earth dogs becouse at the end of the day a working terrier is a working terrier wether is does to ground to hunt fox or rabbit or rat quofe this is bull sh** a working terrier is a dog that goes UNDER GROUND TO WORK ITS QUARRY!!!!! well your welcome to your apinion mate but a bushing dog has a job to do so in my eyes it is a working dog. the word terrier means to go to ground so if a dog can go to ground it is a terrier is it not so bushing dogs have a job to do & if they can go to ground they are terriers there fo
  10. i dont think there should be another forum for earth dogs becouse at the end of the day a working terrier is a working terrier wether is does to ground to hunt fox or rabbit or rat & i dont think that that separating them will do anyone any favours. the main reason the hunting act became law was becouse people are uneducated about why people hunt they just think people just hunt for sport & not pest control. most people will think your great if they see you killing rats with your dogs near there house becouse they no what a rat can do even kids get learnd at school about the black plau
  11. it is dead round hartlepool the mixy seems to come later every year so the few rabbits that are left cant breed then winter comes & what is left get picked of in no time leaving just hares that get hamered by the end of the winter it is just takeing the dogs for a walk at night with the lamp.
  12. she looks a nice pup she should torn out a tool good luck with her.
  13. sorry for not having an earth dog mate to post pics of but there just is not enoght earths where i live to have a good earth dog & i dont drive so i cant drive to good sets to work with my dogs so i use them for what i can. i hope the same happens to you oneday so i can tell you not to use the forum becouse there is no fox to dig round your way.
  14. i have 2 jrt i dont realy post on the terrier forum much becouse my dogs are just rabbit & rat dogs so dont do much diging but i still work my dogs & like other people on the forum i should be able to post without being told that just becouse i dont post pics i cant reply. there is also a lot of people that cant post pics for one reason or another.ps here is a pic of 1 of my jrt not the best but the only one i have resembling any hunting becouse i dont walk every where with a camra. hows that a sh*t pic but the dogs hunting lol what a pile of moeners.
  15. lol ill have to try that one :11:
  16. i think the shape of a dog is erelavant to how it will work with regards to haveing miner faults in a dogs composher & the templament & intelagence of the perants more inportant when picking a pup.
  17. i would not muzzle a dog couse it cant defend its self & just becouse a dog is biger dosent mean it is harder my mates jrt got out & made a mess of another mates gryhounds not long ago so maybe the jrt should of had the muzzle on it & i think only dogs that attack people or other dogs should wear a muzzle.
  18. brock1

    Gas rams.

    well i have used 2 & would not have a spring gun ever again with out a gas ram in it. so just like has allready been sead you must ever like them or not. i had to change my spring in my webly excell 2 or 3 times a year couse the plastic thing in the spring use to break every 3 or 4 month so it was not cheaper & my mate f*cked it after 2 year.so over its life it will save you money but when you buy it is will cost a bit more.
  19. fine looking dog looks like you will be haveing fun with him.
  20. just shows you know f**k all as is a few lads on here no exaclty how it is bred as one of them sorted it for me so take ya inexperienced ideas and views and go talk shit on someone elses post you allways get one. that is a nice looking pup mate worth every penny. if you whant the best you pay for the best people gont give good dogs away. good luck with the sale. ps people pay £300 plus for dogs couse they have a daft kc paper reagardless of what they or there perants have done.
  21. looks a solid little pup should do the job for you mate.
  22. this would be the option that i would go for but if i had to chose from the other options i would go for option the earth dog as it has proven that it has gutts. the other one could be a better dog if it had the chance to catch fox above ground or drawing from sets but you would never know so it is a chance that i would rather not take.
  23. :welcomeani: to the mad house lol
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