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Everything posted by brock1

  1. you mean crugers bitch willow killed your 1 ferret that jill ferret you gave me is a hob
  2. a bullx & a wippet but i have anothere bullx but i am going to wait till next year till i start runing her.
  3. i havent been for a few year a mate i use to go with had permision up there but give up hunting becouse of work.
  4. use to go to richmand & scotch corner a bit. but i have a mate that moved up cummbria so go & stay at his now & then with some mates & do abit up there. othere wise just go local to keep the dogs fit
  5. i was born over your was mate jutland road but moved when i was about 5 so i am not realy from west view just spent most my life there.
  6. i think i come from west view hartlepool. bit i am not to sure :wacko: lol
  7. nice looking little pup you have there mate she should be a good little rabbit dog for you first lurcher. :welcomeani:
  8. [/quote name=wannabekeeper' date='Jan 20 2009, 06:33 PM' post='868201] who told you they never barked i have been out with a few & havent seen meany that never barked on a rabbits above ground. my mates keeped beddy for about 16 year & i have another mate thats keeped beddy wippets even longer & i have seen pleanty of them bark on rabbits aswell there full of lakeland blood as well these day . so maybe you should stop reading books & get out more with diffrent breeds of dog instead of reading about them in books. breeds change maybe a 100year ago they didnt bark but over
  9. mate i know someone with the cross, almost useless, barked like fu*k, thats why people use the beddy, it doesnt bark, you dont want a sighthound that wastes its breath, so why breed it to a dog that has been bred to bark? its bloody stupid is what it is, if you knew anything about dogs you wouldnt consider it and you wouldnt have to ask, go and buy a book, read it. and then DON'T cross a border terrier to a whippet. jesus. :no: :rolleyes: who told you they never barked i have been out with a few & havent seen meany that never barked on a rabbits above ground. my mates keeped b
  10. hes a nice looking little pup all the best with him.
  11. They're not as rare as they used to be, but they are still a protected species. i dont kill them with the dogs anyway mate i have had my ferrets wipped out by a dog that i have had in the past ripping the fronts of cages for ferrets . its not the thing to do with dogs if the have ferrets even if you dont use all your dogs for ferreting but keep them at the same place. i was devod when i whent to go ferreting. i know they use to be protected but with the anount you see in some places though they whouldnt be anymore. are the wild ones bigger becouse most of the ones we see on some of m
  12. didnt think they where a rare specise some places a full of them.
  13. i know a man around my was use to use them for bushing sead they where good little bushing dogs. but he uses beddy wippet & a few terriers now so i dont know why he doesnt use them now if there so good.
  14. i have a few mates that keep beddys & they all yap on rabbits. i thought they didnt open up when they where under ground? ps i use jrts for bushing i have a nice little dog thats pritty obediant for a terrier & can be called from a set un like his mother she is a little head stong f**ker.
  15. if you not up for a young pup get your self something about 6 mounth not to old that someone else has destroyed it allready but not to old to learn new tricks pritty fast. atleast you know if it not doing something right then it probably your failt & you will be able find out how to sort it out a lot easyer while it still young becouse its a lot harder to sort somthing out with a older dog than a young one. all the best in the future what ever dog you deside to get lad.
  16. i just used colour as an example mate it should be the same with othere atrobutes aswell like bonestructure & size the longer the breed has been bread to have them the more dominant the genes will be.
  17. i am not sure but i think it depend on the breeds that you cross rather than it being a dog or bitch. for example if you cross a jrt most of the pups end up being white becouse of years of breeding for whites becouse if it is a diffrent colour it not a jrt. so if you cross it with a dog that dosent have to be a certain colour then the white colour will be dominant.
  18. i got a lance ten or so year ago the wire is fine its never brok never has my mates old lance the wire seen stronger in them old ones. but i get a stiker about 5 year ago & the wire in that is s**t just like every other one i have seem. i think they changed the wire to save a penny on each lamp becouse its not as thick in the newer lamps & snaps for fun.
  19. dont know any good deer spots but there is a few hare around my ars mate lol
  20. i hope they do what you whant them for mate no reason why they shouldnt good luke with them.
  21. i havent got a pic of mine but it was a wippet gryhound dog called laddy he was a good daytime dog but never masterd the lamp so i give him to a good home becouse i prefear lamping .
  22. brock1

    Best guard dog's

    i voted german shepard becouse i have had my fair sheer of bites of them lol.
  23. lol mate do you think your me brock1 & have a 3/8 bull cross do you come from hartlepool aswell lol have you got a pic of your bullx
  24. i have allways fancyed a german shepard x all these good things that get writen in the contryman bullshits about them allway made me whant to put one to the test. so if i was breeding just for myself then it whould have to be a shepardx just to satisfy my qriosity about this breed. plus if i was breeding a first cross collie or bull ect i whould rather use a gryhound dog to breed not a bitch unless i was crossing a lurcher.
  25. thats a good repply skycat. but i whould ad that its the matureity of the dog aswell dont sicken a young dog if it cant catch give it less runs in a night & as sead only easy ones. its not always takeing the dog out to often that couses problems but giving the dog to meany hard runs in a night aswell both can destroy a good pup. i would agree about the autumn rabbits but it depends if where you go the rabbits get run all summer or not.
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