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Everything posted by brock1

  1. good luck trying to stop him i had an old dog that loved them and would cock of anything for them done my nut in. now i brack my dogs to them the same as live stock from pup. nowt whearse than a dog cocking of for a hedgehog. i hope you stop him i could not with mine good luck
  2. when i was at school i was not alowed in most of my lessens for beeing a bad lad so i use to go fishing most days as all my mates were at school. but on the way to the beach i use to bump in to a few lads that where older than me working the dogs or shooting and started going out with them as i was s**t at fishing lol. i have never looked back and got my own dogs ferrats and guns as soom as i was old enough to leave home. i have been hunting about 13 year now and loved every minite of it. to the lads that got me in to it.
  3. how many track gryhounds are workers and a lot of people still use them to breed working pups. just becouse a dog has not has not had a chance to work dont mean it carnt. your pups perants may of been tools if they where worked. so you will just have to wait and see what your pup can do like every one else that has a pup. just becouse a pup is of working stock dose not mean it will work it just gives you a better chance that it will. so i am looking forwould to seeing pics of your pup working when it is older. just about bringing it on right now wich is your job :showoff: so good look and hav
  4. looking good nice pair of pups yous have there. should have some fun with them. happy times to come.
  5. the r.s.p.c.a look after dogs by puting them to sleep. that is not what i call looking after the animals best interest. :realmad: all the dogs i have seen at there kennels look like they need a good feed. so they sound more like the crule c*nts to me. they tryed to take my russle for being on a chain 2 or 3 days after the law changed and toled my i could keep him if i put him in 1 foot by 1 foot by 2 foot ferret cage. when he had a bigger kennel than that so i put the dog in the kitchen and told them the dogs not on a chain no more so bye. now they are round my way once a year door to door l
  6. the trick is to get the trust of people first then let them know you are interested as they wont let just any one no there business. then just wait for them to approach you. if they dont they dont trust you but you have not lost nowt.
  7. nice dogs, nice cach, nich wellies, nice job well done.
  8. apbt is the best cross in my apinion. but hard to come by these days. so the isbt is the next best thing as it has a bit of the apbt in its make up. but that to is getting hard to come by but if you look you will find both with a bit of patience.but both produce good bullx lurchers .
  9. take it on a field with no game on it on a night with the lamp. let it have a run with the lamp on. turn the lamp of get it to come back and give it a treat. do this a for a few nights job done works for mine. good look
  10. caught 4 yesterday. happens this time every year.
  11. if you killed them you must of rushed home to give that dog a bath couse she is spotless. if you did good for you but she just looks to clean to have done five in two hours for me.
  12. i got my first when i left home at 16 so thats 9 year i have had them. but i went out with my mates before that as i was not aloud my own
  13. my tato was done with cheap ink. it looked ok with water shadeing as the lad had not tatooed for years and only had a cheap tato kit & inks. but he redone it with the good stuf when he upgraded his inks with 7 different blacks & grays & it is spot on naw. so dont go for water shadeing it is s**t and just saves money for the tatooist.
  14. i have my tato in my album feel free to have a look. it is a lacky head and i have a fox but it is not finished jet so have not got pic yet. i have not marsterd posting pics yet.
  15. that is a big in improvement all he asks is some tlc and you have give him that. good on you hope he dose you proud and dont let him go to idiots again.
  16. good lamping vid mate the best i have seen on youtube.you have done a realy good job there and them dogs have done you proud to. cant wait to see some more of them
  17. debens and arthur carter sell them some one asked the other day do a seach mate
  18. i like mine 24 give or take an inch. but all size lurchers can be uesfull.just what i prefer
  19. you got youself a bargain there mate good luck with him
  20. mine is bullx 3/8 breed and about 3 year old 27tts. what is yours.
  21. where they for snakes as they are not gutted. is that dog pure whippet or x he looks a nice type for rabbiting. good luck with orders.
  22. the lad is not going to jail mate. that bitch use to stay up our garden but we got complaints about it yaping 24 7 so told him it had to go. but she is a nics bitch and use to a house not the garden so good luck with her if you do not belave me ask flaty. he chucked plenty of water on it to shut it up.
  23. f*****g sc*m farmer that is a shan trick to play on some on doing him a faver. take some thing of his see how that likes it.
  24. dont see much of the dog mate cant you light the dog up a bit more as i like to see the dogs runing not just the rabbit.but thanks for leting us see you vid mate
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