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About brock1

  • Rank
    Mega Hunter
  • Birthday 20/05/1982

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  • Interests
    lurchers, terriers, ferreting, shooting, and all hunting in general.

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  1. Mine were good all round. Bit slow but bull crosses can be clever if you hold them back and work on obedience. Only one trick is when their put on to early and turn into crocodiles. Not the best on day time hares but good working edges with terrier's ect during the day. The 3/8 was my favourite cross to have though.
  2. First x or half x? There's a big difference. Any pics?
  3. She's a smart looking dog [BANNED TEXT] She's won't be around long. I would of took her but I am looking for a saluki x for a change.
  4. long nets get there best bags using the lamp. but its not as exiting as a lurcher imoa. ho and there's always the od rabbit out in the rain and they tend to sit nice and tight.
  5. Ermmm, to be honest I don't judge on age, more on how they act, and on a personal note, if I have worked hard to get permission i'm not going to turn up at the farm with a teenager in a hoodie and talking "street", they need to dress, talk and act appropriately............. And I don't judge someone on how much game they take.....some tools may have good dogs but it doesn't make them good dog men......... to true i dont know how anyone can say they judge on how much people get lol. i can go one place get big bags of rabbits and see more. go on another and get none with the same dog. bi
  6. i would have drive all day over brains u can teach most dogs tricks like cutting game off on the lamp even dogs with a high pray drive but u cant make a dog whant to catch that dosent wont to.
  7. thats a nice looking bullx pup Anubis mate is the bull used alount?
  8. it would depend how the bullx was breed for me pure bullx grayhound then i would say a bitch would be lighted built for allround work were a dog might be a bit to heavy imoa. but bullxgrayhound to bullxgrayhound halfx then some dogs can be realy racey so a dog might have the advantage as they useualy have a bit more hight and more determand to catch than the bitchs in my opinion. but as already sead 3/8bull 5/8grayhound would be a safe bet as a allround bullx in my apinion.
  9. had bullxs now for 10 year not long compeared to some people they suit me but not everyone. only advice i can give is be pationt with them but dont let them rule the roast. people will tell u there only good for big game and just a c**k extension bring them on right mate and they do what u wont of them they not the best day time hare dogs. but i have had them bring fur and fether back that i have put in the pot without being mince meat. so dont listen to people that say they only good for ripping big game to bits thats just what they best at. just like sulkis best at day hares wippets best at
  10. my young halfx bull bicth a old pic but the only 1 i have shes about 23-24 tts now
  11. nice net mate looks well made do u use it as a mini long net close the gate or as a gate net & put it to the gate?
  12. Looks like you had a good morning wish i still had me ferrets
  13. have you seen a 1/2 run mate there far from not nimble mate they are good at turning & the bull about bullxs being not to brainy is bull aswell they can be head strong if you bring them on to fast though from my experiance with them. but they can work during the day but not as you whould like to see a dog work if you just like courseing hares. day time but as a old school mooching lurcher there as good as any breed mooching the fields (not walking on a lead waiting to get a slip so to speak) but useing its nose & ears to find. i was going to use my bitch for ferreting till my nethue go
  14. nice bitch there racey for a reverse breed bitch she looks just like my 1/2 cross but i bet she can do anything you whant her to do on the lamp. i think the bullx is a good lamp dog to mate & if your not running much daytime why do you need a daytime dog. atb with her mate how olds she?
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