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Everything posted by Keeps

  1. Thanks, yes its nice having a few kits around. This is their mother
  2. Heres a couple of photos of this years kits, its been a couple of years since I bred any. I'll be keeping a hob and a jill back. The remaining 3 jills will be free to a good working home, ready in about 4 weeks.
  3. my old first x deerhound greyhound, sadly no longer with us
  4. Looks like I've found some, but will have to wait until early August
  5. Yep, I was gonna say that too Hardfeather. You're welcome any time Moll
  6. Just planted a load of bedding plants at the weekend too Really, where abouts in Northallerton? Not sure what state I'll be in on Sunday, its the daughter's hen party Saturday night.... Call in and see them, if you're anywhere nearby
  7. I know, she already has her eye on them... well they're only pansies Millet & can easily be replaced
  8. Sorry its taken so very long Moll, things have been very chaotic at home for months, but heres a few photos of Mr & Mrs T, who have settled in their home very well and are now venturing out into the garden. These photos were taken on an evening so aren't the best, but I'll try and take some more for you soon
  9. Yes, I was told about Stafford sale by the gentleman I'm in touch with, but will probably just go directly to him. There used to be a bird sale up here, but its been stopped.
  10. I'm sure you have Craigyboy but its Splendid Parakeets Ive got me heart set on Looks like I might have found some now, though I'll have to wait a few weeks and will have to travel. Thanks for the comments & suggestions
  11. Yes, I've looked in birdtrader, there seem to be very few about, and the ones Ive seen are at the other side of the country. I guess I will have to be patient
  12. We used to have an aviary years ago, and kept Splendid Parakeets and have recently set up a new aviary. Does anyone know where I might be able to get a pair of Splendids from now? I've searched everywhere and can't seem to find any.
  13. hahaha its all that stress........... you're not joking there Barra never have a daughter
  14. If I'd been there long enough I'd have introduced you to him Millet, he'd have loved to see Rip Maybe another time
  15. The old fella on the megaphone was John Winch, QC, very nice chap who has been an invaluable help in the past to terriermen in trouble Edited to add, but he does sound like Winston Churchill
  16. Was nice to meet you too, and congrats with your second place, Mia's a lovely little dog
  17. Was nice to meet you Big Marty, and well done If I'd known you were there Dvdsk I'd have said hello Didnt manage to stay for the showing, as had to get away for something else, but was a good turnout, considering the weather. Managed to pay me overdue subs, as I haven't managed to get to Blanchland for 2 years and catch up with a few old faces
  18. My daughter's pup, litter brother to forester's bitch
  19. She's changed quite a bit since then
  20. Hey Keeps,a blast from the past,and still putting out top class pics hope you are well. Martin Yeah Keeps. Im still waiting for an invite to cast my critical hands over your dogs, and to maybe get some action pics, show me how to take proper pictures You're welcome to come and see them any time Romany but I don't think anyone needs to show you how to take proper pictures Martin, am fine ta, still lurking about on the forums and posting now and then Hope you are well A couple more
  21. It sounds like he has finished up around the size of his sire Indie. Heres a photo of Brock I took in the summer when I saw him
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