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Everything posted by Keeps

  1. Just been sent a few photos of your dog's litter sister, a smooth bitch, better late than never..
  2. So sorry. Rest in Peace Sal.
  3. Your mate Marty has a collie x deer x hasnt he?
  4. For those interested in the polecat, I had another email back from the Wildlife Trust: Sooo it looks as if there is no point in having him DNA testing at at.
  5. When they get back to me about what to do, they were looking into it and I'm waiting to hear back from them.
  6. Yes, have a few, he's not easy to get out of his cage
  7. Ferrets or wild polecats Bill? Been given a polecat "ferret" recently that was found wandering about, he's a bit wild, to say the least, and can bite quite well through Kevlar gloves! In fact its looking very much like he's a wild polecat. Apparently there aren't any wild polecats in Durham, so Durham Wildlife Trust are about to arrange for him to be DNA tested to see if he really is...
  8. A few updated photos of this year's kits, just opened their eyes now and starting to get interesting. I've been handling them every day and getting them broken to the dogs. Hopefully I'll be able to get them working late in the season, as they were quite a late litter. I'm keeping a hob and a jill, the remaining three now have good homes lined up Indie gets himself excited when he sees the ferrets, to him they mean one thing.. work ... he started shaking when he saw these for the first time..not long now
  9. Heres one for you Kev and another I have of Storm
  10. I don't think I have one of Molly birddog, it would be nice to see a photo of her if anyone has any Edited to add - thanks Kev, didnt see your post when I posted this!
  11. some of the photos I have Storm Gin (as it says in my photo “the machine”) This one is titled Judys Uncle, you might be able to name him.. Sam and Storm (father and son) Sam Storm and Gin Would love to see more photos if anyone else has them.
  12. Been right through every drawer for the record book for that year I travelled with big Pie..September 1995, the dog he had then, a black dog, was called Rum....hope this helps..Im sure that one of the dogs he had, could be this one, was bred off Ardkinglas Mick.. Thanks for this Bill, very helpful indeed. I have a few photos that I've accumulated, if no-one has any objections I'll find them and post them, but you've probably already seen them birddog. This makes interesting reading Bill, looks like Rum was not a bad dog at all... No the bitch Birddog posted which started the th
  13. Yes, as you say, I don't think shes related to these. Do you know what the black dog owned by Pie was called Bill?
  14. He was doing well last I heard birddog, his owner is "Jeffers" on here. I saw him at Wolsingham last September when he took part in the Cock of the North final and got down to the last 6, nice strong dog about 26" tts.
  15. I'll try and get some photos of the smooth bitch for you, she went to the same home as one of my pups and I'm still in touch with them
  16. You struck lucky when you found her birddog You're right Nuala is an aunt, she is out of Stan's litter sister Judy. is judy not an aunt? so nuala is a cousin then, and i think the dog romany posted is sophie Yes you're right birddog, its Monday morning and Im half asleep Where does Sophie come in, is she in Mollies breeding?
  17. You struck lucky when you found her birddog You're right Nuala is an aunt, she is out of Stan's litter sister Judy.
  18. What's the name of this dog Romany? Your dog is coming on very well birddog, simply beautiful.
  19. Can't wait to see what they turn out like. Well I ground up some food last night, blender was easier than using a pestle and mortar, thanks for the tip Millet.... Put a load more chick crumb in last night, and this morning it was almost gone
  20. Lovely photos Millet, can't wait till mine are out and about like that!
  21. Neither can I Moll, how soon before their colour starts to show? We have got a tiny poultry water drinker for them, so they shouldn't fall in it and have been bashing the chick crumb up so that its smaller, they seem to be eating well from the start, but maybe we should make it even finer. So far they seem to be standing up very well, fingers x they stay that way.. will take on board what youre saying about the shavings though. Thanks for the advice
  22. Here they are 8 newly hatched serama chicks, out of Mr T & Teasle, all advice welcome
  23. Theyre not bad ta Romany, will be all the better when the fields are cut and they can get a good run
  24. Thats just off the one hen Moll, the eggs were incubated, she lays eggs all over the place and doesnt appear to be broody. Some are light some are darker in colour, theres a few eggs yet to hatch, but it doesnt look likely they will.
  25. Sorry to hear that Moll, its not always straightforward breeding canaries in a mixed aviary. Budgies especially aren't good with other birds. We've just had the aviary up a few weeks and all seems to be going well so far, 2 little zebra finches fledged (they breed like wildfire), and the first clutch of 4 canary chicks doing well so far, fingers crossed. We only have the one hen. Over the weekend, 8 serama chicks have hatched, Mr T is now a proud dad! Photos will will follow..
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