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Everything posted by Keeps

  1. Agree with everything thats been said about the person who did this, he should never be in a position to keep another dog. I hope the poor dog makes a good recovery.
  2. As I wasnt on here last year heres a few of my pics from the past year
  3. There were a few Name He was rough in the way he handled them. Not really bothered about his judgement, its only a show at the end of the day.
  4. Have to say I thought the judge was a bit rough with the dogs. this little lad deserved to win for effort alone, bless him Champion was the border, black dog reserve
  5. Nuala is out of a litter you advertised on here a couple of years back for a couple of lads - just wondered if that was the sire, as it looks very like him - mind you, first x deers are all much of a likeness to look at J sent me a couple of pics of Nualas grandparents and great grandparent on her maternal side, dogs called Jin, Sam & Storm. Got you now Jan... No, thats not the sire, but it is related to the sire of yours..in fact they all are. Yes the bitches side was from Gin.. cant remember the Sam dog, but yes I remember Storm, a decent worker Sam was from Gin x Storm
  6. Plummers are my chosen bushing dogs, they work very well in cover
  7. You have to take her with you in any case, as the vet has to see the dam with the pups but you will need someone with you to take her out of the room whilst the docking is carried out.
  8. Nuala is out of a litter you advertised on here a couple of years back for a couple of lads - just wondered if that was the sire, as it looks very like him - mind you, first x deers are all much of a likeness to look at J sent me a couple of pics of Nualas grandparents and great grandparent on her maternal side, dogs called Jin, Sam & Storm.
  9. Thank you. They aren't bad, the younger one still has to prove herself, this coming season will give her that chance If its my pic you are referring to they are terriers sorry matei thought they were chickens
  10. Doxhope that one at the back on the right isnt Nualas sire is it?
  11. Thank you. They aren't bad, the younger one still has to prove herself, this coming season will give her that chance If its my pic you are referring to they are terriers
  12. My youngster 25" tts and my old girl first x 29" tts
  13. What size are they? The smaller one reminds me very much of my beardie cross - very nice.
  14. Thank you Tinman, try to do my best by them as they mean a lot to me Hopefully I will get updates of them as they grow.
  15. I think he might have found a home now Chaz just got to confirm some details tonight - it looks like he is going to live on a farm. I could have sold him many times, but the last two pups to go I wanted to keep in contact with and so I have been quite careful where they went - its not that they are any way inferior to the rest of the litter - quite the opposite in fact
  16. Can't for the life of me understand why anyone would go to such lengths to steal someones ferrets. I live in the area and will keep my eyes and ears peeled.
  17. Hyperdrug are pretty reasonable. http://www.hyperdrug.co.uk/Drontal-Plus-Do...ctinfo/DRONPLUS
  18. Only half a dozen, and they were hard work, but it was nice to be out.
  19. We thought we'd have a look over our permission this morning, just to show our faces and see what's what for the coming season. Everything was so overgrown must have been all the rain we've had lately There were pheasants everywhere, and so we were very restricted we could go. Even the bits the keeper told us we could go on we had to hang back so not to disturb them too much. We had a good few hours out, with not a lot to show for it, it will be at least another 3 weeks or so I think before we'll be back out for the true start of the season. Still it wasn't in vain, weve got to s
  20. Pup 1 now has a home, pup 2 still looking
  21. Sorry, should have put that - County Durham, North East.
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