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Everything posted by Keeps

  1. I'm exactly the same! I cant be doing with weights & measurements! My method is to add a bit, and then stop when I think I've added enough! its usually about right isnt it...
  2. Make sure the batters thick - too watery and they'll never hit the top of the oven. I never weigh anything, just guess, but generally its 1 egg for every 2 ounces of flour, a very hot oven, heat the fat before pouring in the batter and they should come out perfect every time
  3. Cracking posts and pics shell - some really good action shots there
  4. Point taken Maltenby. I never look in the gun dogs section so all i've read is on general talk - I missed both topics posted about a gun dog but its in general not just mrs sweepy I am referring to. The more women that post about hunting - the better we will get recognition. I think I'd better just keep out of the general talk section
  5. Me neither, so I'll come out and say what I'm thinking. Do us women a favour on here and post some HUNTING topics - thats what this forum's about believe it or not, instead of all this flowery xxxx drivel I'm so fed up of reading. That is what will gain women the respect we deserve on here and theres too few who actually do it. Its got nowt to do with polo necks or tied back hair.
  6. Totally agree with you Tallyho.
  7. I'm not and don't. Nor do I wish to be stereotyped. Its hard enough for women to make their way in a male-dominated pastime. There are odd one or two blokes who find it difficult to take me seriously and I sometimes get some flak on the forums because of that - but my genuine friends treat me as their equal, and thats all that matters to me Some of the threads in the "general talk" section of this forum by posted by both men and women, don't help - sometimes I think Ive logged onto the wrong forum....
  8. We had our first proper ferreting trip this season this morning, a beautiful crisp autumn morning, the perfect weather for ferreting :grin: Set off a bit earlier than normal as we had arranged to meet up with the keeper who said he had a new place to show us. Once we got there we set off for the new farm, and were shown to a fairly steep strip of woodland, that hadnt been touched for a good while, bar a gun club that no longer go there. There was a fishing pond at the bottom of the wooded bank, and I thought to myself sooner or later Indie would end up in it either accidentally or on purp
  9. 3 of his daughters, all still pups sisters - 8 months old half sisters
  10. some big rats there and lots of them - looks a good place
  11. http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/index...showtopic=62029
  12. Can't understand arguing over what won and what didnt. I went to Wolsingham and thoroughly enjoyed it - met up with a few friends Ive not seen for a while, shows are more of a social occasion than anything to get serious about Not all of them but mine do
  13. Pics from this afternoon v the latest canine must have
  14. Been to have a look up this afternoon to see what its like. It is very very muddy, but the parking bit wasnt too bad, certainly didnt see any cars getting pulled on or off that bit. On the show field its a different matter - there were even a couple of landrovers and rangerovers getting towed off at the end of the show field. It was still raining up there when we left at about 4 pm. With a bit of luck it will dry out a bit tomorrow - was supposed to be camping there tonight but the bit we were going to be on is under water Will post up if I hear any different but the Show Sec is dete
  15. are you sure you didnt mean a canoe Might come in handy
  16. The white one in the pics is going to someone on the forums Compo, and the other one in the pics above (formerly known as bandit) I am hoping to get updates from although he is going to the opposite end of the country - both are going to be worked
  17. Heres Ziggy & Chaz, coming up to 9 weeks old. They are off to their new homes at the weekend - I am going to miss them as they are little livewires Had them in the garden for an hour tonight and took a few last pics moving on to more interesting toys they really liked this
  18. Usually a nightmare when the landowners dog tags along too Sounds like a very enjoyable and productive day out
  19. Yes there was beagle added originally. Some will go to ground, you just need to know the land you hunt and avoid the areas where there are earths if you don't want them to.
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