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Everything posted by Keeps

  1. I never sent you any pics, you stole pics I had taken and put them in your album. Its called breech of copyright.
  2. its none or Mrs Nasty's business It is when it concerns a friend of mine.
  3. Can someone remove the name please - thats really not on
  4. Its a reasonable question. You should ask peoples permission before you post up pics of their dogs in your threads. You have quoted copyright on your own articles.
  5. Do you have permission from the owner of the dog to post that top pic Graham? Thats my dog's dam.
  6. I have a 1/4 beardie 3/4 greyhound - can't fault him. I agree with Kya's comments.
  7. Was down there myself yesterday morning Dave - a lot of the snow had turned to ice - very difficult to walk on Theres all sorts along that riverbank isnt there..
  8. Its a general forum for enthusiasts of plummer terriers - its not specifically a hunting forum. We have lots of members, some very experienced, some completely green and new to the dogs and to hunting. Theres nothing wrong with people asking how to get started and wanting to learn - it happens on here too - a specific hunting forum (and theres plenty of fluffy pics and non-hunting posts on here too). Edited to add not all the working sections on the PT forum are viewable to new members - you have to have made a number of posts to be able to view them The majority of people have pl
  9. Deep dig has nothing in his kennels from your lines, he has a bitch pup, Keela, from the best plummer in my kennels, Wyremead Suzi. He got rid of Cody because she was a crap worker and a trouble causer. He wouldn't have got rid of her if she was a good worker now would he - as you say, it depends on how high you set your standards... Now stop trying to hijack and spoil yet another working terrier thread, I won't be replying to anything else on this thread that you post again - you're a shit stirrer and a trouble causer and I really don't know what you are doing on this forum. J
  10. Excellent pics lensman are you going to tell deep dig where he is?
  11. Nice one Fireman & Molly. Look forward to reading lots more positive posts like this
  12. Keeps


    21 Hippy, you're catching up to me hope you've had a great day
  13. Al theres some very scenic pics there, some lovely scenery, the frost really makes the countryside look pretty. Do all those big dogs get on ok when they are out?
  14. We've had 3 days of heavy frosts, in fact the frost didnt lift at all yesterday, had an icerink out the back when I cleaned the kennels out. Lovely to be out in it though
  15. Very nice Luke, whats the breeding of your plummer?
  16. A couple of particularly nice plummers there Tom
  17. some of mine one for shiny dotties pups born in the summer
  18. Zap I didnt go the midland, havent been for the past 2 years but some pics of my dogs were on the display boards, along with others from members of The Plummer Terrier Forum.
  19. It looks cold Tomo - sometimes you have slow days, and its usually when you're standing around freezing to death Still it looks like you got a good few in the end
  20. The grandmother of the bitch who you say is too big for earthwork was much much bigger went to ground time and time again , perhaps you only have small quarry where you are hence small holes , lets say bunnies and rats then There arent many fox earths where she can fit to ground on the land that we have 10/22 which are the largest type of quarry she can be worked on - being such a "law abiding" person you will realise that. I know that her grandmother was worked to ground very hard, and she, I am sure would do the job if she would fit into the earths we have access to - she does try,
  21. I have only one adult that readily goes to ground, she is Wyremead Suzi. The others are useful above ground, one in particular but she is too big for earthwork.
  22. Sorry to hear about your ferret, have had happen it to me once before.
  23. Thank you Kay shes only 16 though so maybe I do
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