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Everything posted by Keeps

  1. tell tell, what camera did you get then keeps A Nikon D90 TJ
  2. Make sure you don't take him to Wilsons then cos he might get a bit more snipped than you bargained for
  3. Bet you were cursing the hobs looks like a nice piece of new land
  4. A couple of books and a new camera
  5. Its nice to get surprises sometimes
  6. Very nice pics what camera did you get?
  7. Keeps


    I've never had any trouble with them. Ordered a book on Sunday night, it came yesterday, and it was half the price it was in the shops
  8. Im not a Canon user, but the lens I use most on my Nikon is an 18 - 200 mm - like you say it saves swapping them about all the time.
  9. Nualas doing very well now Chartpolski, in fact the pics above don't really do her justice, as she catches equal numbers to Indie now, only most are out of sight and he doesnt let her retrieve them - shes quite a bit faster than him. She finished up about 25" tts now. She's never been to another show since that one CP, I reckon she'll be unbeaten, as its probably the last she will see
  10. Glad to hear it Marty, Ive had to retire his old dad, and he's a miss - but we've got some promising youngsters that go back to him.
  11. shame on him Flynn - you get him told No myxi up there at all, usually get a bit in August time, but not this time of year, touch wood..
  12. We were out yesterday, bright and early (not ) Keeper decided that as it was christmas and the season of good will he showed us yet another piece of new land as well as giving us a few pheasies for a game pie or two, and offered some new permish from one of his friends down the road The new bit he showed us was just a bit further up the road from where we'd been before, right outside the bosses house. We had a good day, plenty of action, even though we had a fairly late start an early finish. It makes a change to go somewhere a bit different. Plenty now to keep us occupied
  13. he was with them all morning fireman, think he was quite happy ratting in the rain running round like a headless chicken
  14. You're welcome Voon. Fireman it was the Cheshire Forest - it was spectacular watching them charge through the farmyard
  15. Voon, I think it only lets you upload a couple of pics at a time, and there are quite a few of them - I can copy and paste one or two, but I'd be posting forever if I did the lot just for you heres a few
  16. We spent last weekend down at deep digs, arriving midday on Saturday for a spot of ratting in the rain, weather was terrible but didnt stop us enjoying ourselves. We went to a farm on some of deep digs new permission, dogs started marking in a load of rubble and caught a few rats. The pups marked their fair share of rats which I was very pleased about. It was a really dark day, so pics aren't the best. The dogs had been going daft underneath a pile of corrugated sheet, metal and general rubbish so we started to shift t
  17. Thats an excellent number of rats - well done
  18. Top pic - Kizzy looks a really nice type of lurcher
  19. you are one of the numpties i am referring to - plenty of fluffy pics, no hunting ones. http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v634/tweedette/
  20. I asked you if you had permission to post of a pic of a dog that belongs to a friend and was taken by someone else (another friend) - it was a reasonable question that you have blown out of all proportion - as usual you and your mate 10/22 are hounding me - she doesnt even own a beardie lurcher but she just can't stop herself!
  21. Its hardly surprising people are abstaining from posting good threads about their days out hunting, with the numpties who are allowed to post on here who don't even do any hunting.
  22. if you want to bring up the subject of stealing keeps........... People in glass houses and all that In your own words "10/22" I'll reply then, Legion dogs from Legion Kennels, bred by myself and the price for 2 bitches (Ellie and Daisy)and one dog(Bear) was 3 for £650, all workers. yours Tim taken from page 1 of the now 11 pages of shite http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/index...showtopic=71932 You want to watch what you are posting.
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