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Everything posted by Keeps

  1. Muck boots definitely the way to go
  2. It certainly makes you realise that it could be all gone in a split second Whin doesnt it. It has made me think quite a lot about the future I'd be lost without either of them.
  3. Yes they did a good job Micky. Shes jumping about the place this morning
  4. Thank you for all your kind replies. Shes much brighter tonight, Im sure she's on the mend, just have to be careful as its in an awkward place and the vet said it could break down. Don't think she tore any muscle Brimmer, luckily, though a lot of muscle was exposed when she did it and she has quite a lot of stitches underneath to hold it all together. Martin, I remember Ula's injury and how awful it looked - glad to hear she's ok now - I hope Nuala heals as quickly Grant, the black dog is 1/4 beardie 3/4 grey.
  5. Yesterday was one of those days when you shouldn't get from under the duvet. It started alright, a nice early start. It was a really cold morning, although it had warmed up at home, the wind was up and the ground still icy at our destination - the windchill made it feel bitterly cold. There has to be some truth in the fact that bunnies don't bolt well in the wind, yesterday was one of those days, and 3 five foot digs later my husband would agree with that The dogs were working well and catching those that did bolt, some of them spectacularly, which I didnt manage to capture on camera; a
  6. Shes coming up to 3 now and about 25 - 26" tts, around the same size as her dam. There was a lot of variation in her litter though, and some of the pups took after their sire in size, who was a first cross. In fact one of the litter was a beast and made 30" tts, but is said to be doing very well on the lamp. The first cross bitch I have is much larger, at 29" tts. Generally first crosses are quite a lot bigger. I wouldn't recommend one for anyone who is impatient and expects immediate results without waiting for a dog to mature, as you have pointed out, they can be slow to mature but
  7. I know you did, I saw her at 3 weeks old - she's changed a bit as a pup
  8. Top one, Nuala, goes back to your breeding Doxhope, she was bred by a couple of lads from bedlington out of a bitch called Judy and sire (lst x) called Bracken (pictured below) shes very much of the same type of stamp as her dam in stature
  9. She knocked it a week ago and it opened up again when we were out, just a graze, nothing serious, just that its over a joint
  10. he'd had his head in a ditch, couldnt resist the pic hippy Yes she's been fairly slow to mature, but she's had a lot to live up to with the dog she runs with, she's 3 in April, although still very puppyish, she loves to please and is doing well
  11. I'll bear that in mind bigbird, although theres plenty of offers of help
  12. We had a look across to some new permission on Monday, a bit further down the road to the place we normally go. Woke up to a blanket of snow, and ground hard as metal - still we had a walk about to see the lie of the land, even if it was too hard running in the sub zero temperatures we've been having this past week. The hedgebacks certainly made us appreciate our current ferreting land, but this new bit will be perfect for lamping - something we really could do with a bit more of wish we'd took the terriers there was definitely someone at home
  13. Excellent tally - dogs must have worked hard for those
  14. Pic of Nuala yesterday and a few more recent pics and the oldun a couple of days ago
  15. Wouldnt like to say if it is better or not as I haven't tried the newest Canons to compare. I used to have one of the old 35 mm Canon eos slr's but that was a long time ago (about 16 years ago). The Nikons are getting very good write-ups for performance at high ISO levels, and I have to say the noise levels on this one are much better than my old Nikon D50 - which was very noisy at 1600 in bad light. The D90 can manage ISO's of 3200 that you would never guess were as high.. in fact some of the pics are on another post on the forum. Now all I need are a couple of new lenses
  16. You need to have a fast shutter speed to freeze the action, which is why its harder to take action shots on dark days in the winter as the faster the shutter speed the less light is let in - it depends on the camera you have and whether you have the option to use manual settings. If you can set it manually try setting the shutter speed as high as you can get away with the light you have.
  17. Thank you. Its a new camera I got for christmas a Nikon D90. Most of the pics were taken at 1600 and 2000 iso as it was a dark afternoon
  18. Very sorry, its awful when that happens
  19. Have you found one? Ive got a number if you havent.
  20. Is your pup a deer x hollie? Nuala's sire is a first x deer/grey out of a deerhound called Lewis. Her dam is a bitch called Judy who is out of a dog called Sam (Gin x Storm).
  21. Thank you. Whippeter the brindle one is a half cross deer/grey.
  22. its pronounced Nooooooola Hippy, Im sure you can manage that in Northumbrian twang God knows what the next one will be called
  23. We had a look out yesterday afternoon, was meant to be a day out but it ended up a bit of a late start We were back on the new bit we have just been shown, right in front of the landowners house. Didn't do too badly for just a couple of hours out, it was bitterly cold yesterday and there were quite a few bunnies to ground which provided a bit of sport bolting for the dogs. This spot is a little more open than the dogs are used, there are clumps of trees here and there but a bit of open space in between, but still plenty of steep banks - some of the rabbits gave them a run for their money,
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