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Everything posted by Keeps

  1. Just replied to your post in the General talk section Manda. If you're stuck again, give us a shout.
  2. Wish I'd known sooner Manda, just read your post last night after we got back and thought you had plenty by the amount of replies you got. If you organise another time and you don't have enough give us a shout, we are near Durham and don't normally turn down a day's ratting
  3. We were back down to Floyds this morning for a second day on the shoot, it was a lovely bright morning, very much like spring, especially after all the cold wintry weather we have had lately. But today was to be a very slow day, the rats just seem to have disappeared, and the ones we found and caught were very hard won. They'd very obviously been around, but not so recently - just makes you wonder where they get to.. Floyd left his dog Fenn at home today, as she is still recovering from an injured toe from a fortnight ago and brought his young nephew and friend who was visiting, alon
  4. Sounds an interesting place gweedo Things must be bad if you have to pay for a bit of ratting permission pointer the keeper on Saturday insisted on paying us for our troubles even though we tried to convince him we actually enjoyed doing it for nothing
  5. they are very good friends of mine wendy has asked me to pass on her email address to you which i will do in a pm Thank you - got it now, will be nice to get back in touch again heres one or two more pics Ive come across pup the evil one well they are all related
  6. yeah i was looking at a sigma 55 200. they seem around the £100 mark so quite reasonable? I used a sigma 18 - 200 mm lens on my old Nikon D50 with fairly good results - I think it cost me about £200 a year ago, but I'm sure the price of them has come down quite a bit since - in fact Im sure it was in Jessops for about £99 not long ago. I sometimes use the same lens on my new camera (Nikon D90). Edited to add, must have been seeing things its £229 in Jessops at the moment http://www.jessops.com/online.store/catego...73539/Show.html
  7. Nice to see the young uns getting out and enjoying themselves. Ive got one here bugging me to take her out
  8. The whippets belong to Mally and his mate, so I'll leave it for him to tell you the lines of them - both very very nice dogs
  9. there would have been two or three short video clips of yesterday , if I'd learned to work the bloody camera properly
  10. hello back to Gary and Wendy Is that you or are they your friends?
  11. Mally invited us down for some ratting on a shoot near him. We set off very early morning, whilst it was still dark for the long ride down. The keeper met up with us and came along with a couple of other lads, not sure if they were keepers or members of the shoot. We were joined by Nathan, Mally’s son, his whippet Vixen and his mate with his whippet, Cassie, so we had 2 whippets to work alongside our terriers. Our transport to get round the shoot First two rats of the day went to Petal, she’s doing very well, and has a good strike, she had just caught one rat
  12. How was he bred goldfinch? OUT OF VANDAL.CANT REMEMBER THE BITCHES NAME.BILL MOSSMAN I GOT IT OFF.NO OFFENCE KEEPS,NOT WANTING A ROW BUT PLUMMERS THEN WERE DIFFERENT DOGS FROM TODAY. Thanks for the reply. Can't argue with you goldfinch as I have no idea how your dog was compared to the ones that I own; I have 4 plummer bitches who are all descendants of vandal, one of them as close a grandaughter, 2 great grandaughters and 1 gt gt grandaughter It is one of the great grandaughters that is the best I personally own hunting-wise, at the moment. keeps i could nt hold him back.killin
  13. Dai, you've put up a pic of the dam but not the sire - is he a "pure" plummer or an "outcross" or neither - same for the dam - do you know both parents breeding?
  14. How was he bred goldfinch? OUT OF VANDAL.CANT REMEMBER THE BITCHES NAME.BILL MOSSMAN I GOT IT OFF.NO OFFENCE KEEPS,NOT WANTING A ROW BUT PLUMMERS THEN WERE DIFFERENT DOGS FROM TODAY. Thanks for the reply. Can't argue with you goldfinch as I have no idea how your dog was compared to the ones that I own; I have 4 plummer bitches who are all descendants of vandal, one of them as close a grandaughter, 2 great grandaughters and 1 gt gt grandaughter It is one of the great grandaughters that is the best I personally own hunting-wise, at the moment.
  15. goldfinch they are plummer x russells dam sire Can't take any credit for the pics of the pups, none were taken by me, mostly by the owners, and the ones of the black and white dog with the kind permission of a friend.
  16. fao Adeyhawk - heres a few pics of the rest of the litter including Ziggy above. They are approx 8 months now. just as a reminder, here's how they were
  17. Thank you adeyhawk, I have a few pics of all but one - one has already been posted up recently on the thread below http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/index...showtopic=84267 I will add some pics up of the others on there so as not to hijack this thread already more than it already has been.
  18. 3/8 bull terrier in my eyes, is a fair bit especially when his sire/gsire was a 1/2 bred. There isn't one single post i can make on this forum without you butting in with your derogatory comments. This thread has nothing to do with dan either, you seem to have a bugbear with him too as you keep bringing it up, its about a white pup bred out of a plummer terrier. I am merely pointing out that a plummer marked dog to a white terrier can produce all white progeny. Genes come from both parents, not just one, in case you have forgotten that fact. If you have nothing positive to say then
  19. Either there's some russell in there very close in the breeding or its a throw back as has been said before. I bred a whole litter of white ones out of this dog to a russell bitch, but there's a lot of bull in him..
  20. Keeps

    co durham

    Born and brought up in the beautiful City of Durham
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