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Everything posted by Keeps

  1. Whereabouts in Durham? Pics would be helpful. Had some dodgy blokes round asking my kids to see the dogs when I was on holiday
  2. heres mine 1/4 beardie 3/4 grey should have called him zebedee
  3. a few photos from the show one very eccentric lady! Teesdale & Wear Valley Beagles Braes of Derwent Hunt bumped into Nualas litter brother and a couple for the plummer fans one of the youngest competitors winner of the bitch class winner of the dog class and best plummer pups Gin asked me to take a few photos of the countryside marquee which was very well supported this year
  4. cheaper tickets were on offer mate ,the parking was out of the organisers hands cos there was a massive maquee where the usual rings are in place & the rings were set up buy the wolsignham show organisers ,we wud of liked the rings & parking as usual lurchers at the bottom ,terriers at the top & parkin all the way round,prize money was given for each class winner ,good tropheys & good rossettes £ 100 for the cock of the north winner gifts for the judges & 5 months of work & phone calls to oganise it ,there were plenty of people that rounded it off to £2 so if its the
  5. Some are spoken for, but it depends on how many she has - I'd prefer it if there weren't too many to be honest
  6. Yes they have in the past Trev, before the ban, but they have been mostly used for rabbiting pups will be Collie (Beardie) x Deer x Grey Maybe, prolly to let all 20 grow well Better not be Flynn
  7. Couple of weeks Flynn - can you see her going that long?
  8. We decided to breed from Indie & Nuala, to keep a pup back ourselves to bring on. the pair yesterday, pictured with our old deer x grey Well by the looks of things, she has taken, and the pair are very soon to become parents - will keep you updated of her progress
  9. pta Sorry not to reply sooner, but Ive been away on holiday. The forum was down for a few days due to a server problem and the address has now changed. I did send out a bulk email to all members, so I hope everyone has managed to get back on, but if not this is the correct address for it (hope IanB doesnt mind this): http://www.workingplummerterrier.org.uk/plummerterrier I would like to make it clear that it isNOT a PTA forum, its a general forum for ALL plummer terrier enthusiasts and not specifically for one particular club.
  10. OOPS !!! got them somewhere ill dig them out and post them cheers taken from the PT forum CS: Pups under 12 months 1st Oakfield Vinnie 2nd Oakfield Lita 3rd Remlap Pippa dog class 1st Legion Dar ( Bane) 2nd archie 3rd oakfield blade bitch class 1st Oakfield Diva 2nd Saxon Petal 3rd Legion Ivy Best in Show Oakfield Diva Reserve Legion Dar (Bane) pairs 1st Oakfield Diva , Oakfield Blade 2nd Legion Dar (Bane), Legion Trove (Blaise) 3rd Legion Ivy, Pinsley Ace progeny 1st Oakfield Diva, Oakfield Lita 2nd Stony
  11. Stuff them with a mixture of sausage meat, herbs and onions, wrap in foil and bake in the oven - lovely
  12. Not familiar with canon at all but it could be your f stop is too low and is affecting the depth of field resulting in a blurry photo - the lower the f stop the more blurred things appear in the distance. Does your camera have a facility for a single focus point? If it does change it to that, combined with a higher f number and focus on your specific target - see if that helps.
  13. She's lovely, and looks to be doing very well Congratulations.
  14. Had a cracking weekend there camping, helped along by the weather, I didnt take many photos but here's a few of the ones I did.
  15. Either of the above you have mentioned will be more than adequate for what you have described. Whilst there are undoubtedly better cameras you should get good results with the Nikons you've mentioned above. Up until Christmas I was using a Nikon D50, with only 6mp. It isnt always the camera but how you use a camera that makes a difference. My son uses it now - take a look at Smudges photos on here, all taken with the Nikon D50 and only 6 mp. As has been said earlier a good lens is very important, but if you are restricted to a budget these cameras will be perfectly adequate for wh
  16. Beautiful dog there Dekaw. I've recently put my beardie/grey over my deer/grey - if I get something that looks anything like your dog I'll be very happy indeed
  17. I run a deer x and a beardie x through woodland, some of it quite dense, I'd never run a whippet or whippet type through it, you need something resilient with a good coat, tough skin and brains to know when to put the brakes on.
  18. you should see the ones he's taken in the last couple of days they just get better and better
  19. I'd have thought a good lurcher would come into its own in hard times - being a potfiller an all that
  20. No relation to me Gin, just a coincidence, I didn't go, winning plummer looks very much like Bear though
  21. Thats a lovely little pup - very distinctive markings
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