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Everything posted by Keeps

  1. Well done Michael, I dont think there are many rabbits around anywhere at the moment
  2. they try and avoid it whereever possible but they have been brought up running in those woods, which helps. yes won't be long before shes fully fit, shes getting there. Hows your little nutter getting on?
  3. Nuala's first time out yesterday since having the pups, and we decided to bring the little one along too, mainly to stop her howling the place down whilst we were out, but it also served as a bit of socialsation - travelling in the car. She didnt actually come out hunting with us, we left her in the car with plenty of food and a coat to snuggle into, after a run around the field with her mam and dad. Weather was a bit kinder to us than last week when we had our visitor, sods law an all that Nualas nowhere near fully fit yet. but theres nothing like a run about to help fitten her u
  4. well done, its a great feeling, first of many
  5. Never came across any last weekend Ian, but the keeper says theres been a lot of it about, and the rabbit population certainly seems to have been hit - the numbers are definitely down
  6. Yes Stealthy, its one of the first woods we did when we started going up there, a lot of it has been chopped down now.
  7. We had Cupid oop north visiting for a few days and had a trip out ferreting on Sunday morning - unfortunately it was one of the coldest wettest days we have had up there. The cover was a bit high in some spots - need a bit more frost to flatten down the bracken, and combined with the rain, it was too difficult to ferret - so we headed off into the woods for the rest of the morning. It wasnt the best of days weather wise, but we still had an enjoyable trip, and the company more than made up for it A few photos - not many action shots as it was dark the conditions just weren't good enoug
  8. They are deerhound greyhound x collie greyhound
  9. I'm afraid they are all spoken for Rintintin, we are keeping one and the other two are off to their new homes this weekend. Swamper, you should have had all 8 of them hanging off your trouser leg
  10. The black pups eyes are changing now, but the blue pups still have lighter brighter blue eyes, be interesting to see what colour they end up.. Thanks all, by Sunday night I'll have a bit more time to concentrate on my own pup, hope to get some better pics of her then
  11. well, most of the little hooligans have gone off to their new homes over the last few days, leaving us with 3, until the weekend who ate all the plants......
  12. If you aren't restricting yourself to a Canon, why not try one of these, a Nikon D90? slightly over £700 at £799 in Jessops at the mo, including the lens. http://www.jessops.com/online.store/catego...75332/Show.html Its what I use and I am very very happy with it I know of one or two very good photographers that have switched to Nikon from Canon recently..
  13. For those with an interest, heres a photo of flackowski's Sid, this photo was given to John Winch framed, as a thank you for representing Paul - John brought the framed picture to the N&D working terrier club show a few years ago to show me
  14. That's his name brother Yes Ricky, we are keeping the smoother black one (pics 8, 9, 11, 12 & 13) - she is the pot model of her sire as a pup and very cheeky Luke, they are fed on good quality fresh food 4 times a day - egg, chicken, rabbit, raw mince, lamb, fish(sardines/pilchards) etc , but they have betapuppy in their run during the day. They are eating us out of house and home at the moment
  15. they are deerhound/greyhound x beardie/greyhound sire dam
  16. Well its all getting a bit hectic now Had them out in the garden today not long now till they are off to their new homes, I cant wait
  17. Thanks for the interest, pup is no longer for sale. Yes Marky, he was the only one left in the litter
  18. We have a dog pup unexpectedly back up for sale - the lad who was going to have him can't take him now due to a change in circumstances. He is just under 5 weeks old now, ready to go in 2 to 3 weeks. He has been dewclawed, wormed, and will be frontlined when ready to go. His dam is half x deerhound greyhound "nuala", who is from doxhope lines, sire 1/4 beardie 3/4 greyhound "indie". I have the parentage of both his parents, if you are interested pm me for further details. We are in County Durham. sire & dam sire
  19. thank you JD but its a while since I posted this, back in February Ebony, they are red & whites
  20. http://www.hyperdrug.co.uk/ very reasonably priced, usually next day delivery with no extra charge for postage - I've used them for a few years now
  21. different Dale to you I think Andy - we didnt see any evidence of myxi, all the rabbits we got were clean, I think it hits up there a bit earlier, usually around August time, but the rabbit numbers do seem down compared to previous years.
  22. a few updated pics... the blue dog pup one of the black dogs one of the blue bitches its great fun in our house it is :wacko: this one might make a little poaching dog already practising his retrieve one of the blue bitches the blue brother & sisters Incas already got a bit of a pace to her
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