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Everything posted by Keeps

  1. Thanks Jan, she wasnt my favourite to start with,but shes had me thinking for a while,but im gonna stick with the one i originally picked,if i could keep her i would. I keep saying after a few cans im keeping her and going to bed with my mind made up. Then reality hits me when i wake up Running on two pups isn't the easiest of things to do Kev, much better with just the one to concentrate on, but I can see why you would want to Whoever is lucky to get the last pup, I don't think you'll be disappointed. I have a deerhound greyhound bitch, Nuala, out of the sire of this pups litter si
  2. Very surprised shes still with you, she looks a cracker
  3. Yes Kev, the black bitch is the one I kept myself. These were the only two in the litter that were smooth coated.
  4. Shouldn't think you'll have those pups for long Kev! The second pup in your recent photos looks very much like one of the pups I bred out of Stan's niece (who is owned by the same people who have just got one of your pups). This is how she turned out I hope to get up there over the summer to visit them, when I do I'll try and get some nice photos of the pup you bred
  5. Hi Jan,ill try and attach a picture to this of him.I have chosen the one im keeping,shes a blue bitch with a white tip on her nose and tail. The people who got a pup off you have also been and picked theirs,very nice people. Pups are looking very good - they look very much like the litter I bred from Nuala, at the same age. Yes they told me they had been to see you and picked their pup last week, they said they were very impressed with the whole litter. She will have a very good home
  6. pups are looking good Kev - you should put up a photo of the sire. He is the uncle of my deer x grey Nuala - these pups should turn out very nice. Its good to see a litter bred for the right reasons; to keep back a pup Have you chosen which one youre keeping yet?
  7. Will keep my eyes open for her, I go past Spennymoor/Binchester every day. Hope you get her back.
  8. Where did she go missing and whats her name if I do see her?
  9. Theyre doing fine thanks, v pleased with the pup
  10. thanks jan,hope your well,couldnt resist putting a pic up,im proper chuffed its been a long time coming,but there here and doing really well,ATB I bet they turn out to be crackers - has J been to see them yet? Interesting colours too No he hasnt been yet,but i spoke to him and think hes gonna give it a while and bring the kiddie's to see them,you should have seen my kids faces when they come downstairs in the morning,a bigger smile than christmas I bet they were, kids do love having pups around. Let me know how they get on, I believe that the people who have one of the pups I
  11. thanks jan,hope your well,couldnt resist putting a pic up,im proper chuffed its been a long time coming,but there here and doing really well,ATB I bet they turn out to be crackers - has J been to see them yet? Interesting colours too
  12. They are doing very well Moll, considering the cold weather we have had
  13. Wish you'd stop putting up pics of these Moll, every time I see them I want some
  14. I heard about this litter kev a while back, interested to see and hear of their progress - good luck with them
  15. Any photies :laugh: The correct attire to wear for a days coursing, as modelled by a THL member. Did anyone go to the last callover, and remember that very annoying alarm that went off right through the speech? Well it was Cupid that set it off.... when he accidentally leaned against the fire door The last Waterloo was the very first one I ever went to, and I wish I had gone to more. Had a brilliant time, its a shame the kids of today don't have the opportunity to experience it. not the best of photos, I didnt have a fancy camera at the time
  16. Its a horrible feeling when something like that happens, but vets can sometimes work wonders. Hope the damage repairs and your son's dog gets back to full fitness.
  17. She is panther black Romany, even her toe nails are black, it makes her very hard to photograph, but I love her!
  18. Thank you, shes shaping up well, but we havent had the chance to get out with her as much recently as we'd have liked to, what with the recent weather and illness. Theres plenty of time shes still very young. Her sire (the beardie x) is 25" though his dam is much smaller than that, his sire was a very large greyhound. There are big dogs and small dogs in her make-up and I guess thats why there was such variation in the litter - they were all a very even size as small pups.
  19. I think the size range has been fairly well covered with what the lads have stated..and these are the sizes to expect, but I have seen some bitches that we bred that were 25inches..dogs Ive seen from 28-30 inches, and Axel from the lurchermania videos was 31 inches..they are deerhound x greyhound, so you are never going to get them 22 inches deerhound x greyhounds are unlikely to get to 22 inches, but crossed to something else they just might. this one is mostly deerhound x greyhound, with a tiny bit of collie, she measures 22 1/2 tts, an inch shorter than her mostly deerhound greyh
  20. very true, my first cross was 16 weeks old when I got her and she was very smooth, she looked like a little whippet, she turned a bit hairy as she grew
  21. nothing up with it, theres a filter on that warps the photo slightly..well spotted, very observant
  22. A few photos of the Zetland this morning
  23. I have a bitch whos sire was a first x (doxhope bred) deerhound (29") who is 23 1/2" tts but her dams side are linebred deer x's and many of her littermates were very much bigger (biggest was 30"). As Romany has said, there is a lot of variation in a litter, but genuine first crosses will always be quite a lot bigger, normally in the range of 27 - 30". In the litter that I bred last year, the smallest pup, a bitch (the one I kept) finished at just over 22" tts, and the largest, a dog, was 28 1/2" tts.
  24. the biggest bitch I have is my first x who is 29" tts, I have a smaller linebred bitch who is 23 1/2" and her daughter(who also has some collie in her) who is 22".
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