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Everything posted by caspa

  1. hi [bANNED TEXT] i have got an old bitch out of the nipper stuff just had 12 pups born back 2 a barny breed dog call me on 07884041128 if ur in trested can u send me a pic mate to 07984541722and wat age is she??
  2. year but they cost a bit tho
  3. forgot to say i woud take the1 in the top pic
  4. real nice dogs i prefer these to the long coated mate to be honest..they are a lot more racey typetoo iff you dont mind me asking wat will they cost??
  5. Heard bruce killed a brace...goood.was.it

  6. Ok u lot u can pay by check or postal order..abt caspa
  7. As it goes can you pic me up £40 worth then I wiill sale them to you lot for £8 a go lol.....
  8. they must be cranks on her then..coz I had bout20 pms..iff any one wants to buy a few I will let em go a bit cheaper
  9. Haven't timed it but its on for a long time
  10. Dvds for sale....foley cup 1997.1998.2001.2002.2004.lucky the darck destroyer..also featuring diesel spinna luke.vol..123and4....hare coursing nipper x foxy..2hrs..ultimate hare coursing..s vickers coursing..fen fever 3 benji nell tobey..british single handed comp 2005...hare coursing fens part2..carl bonnorxbilly bruce 2...saluki lurchers...hare coursing in spain..hare coursing and lurchers vol1...billy bruce and jerry...hounting hounds of arabia...calender cup1993xfieldfare challenge 1994..forley sportsxhare coursing..kippers day out vol2..irish coursing greahounds..and the waterloo cup...xl
  11. it wont let me pm u mate call me on 07903986901iii have loads of coursing dvds including all the forleys

  12. Forgot to say pm me with adress..and footige is cristal clear not like some dvds I have brout in the past
  13. Hi I have some real good footige of red.he's bred from sherer x rose..he's 9years old now and beleve me he's still doing his job very well..I have about an hour and half of him runing..and I have just had a litter of pups from him born 2day 6 bitches and 3 dogs..bred for own use..and am keepin 4 so there will be 5 up for sale soon..dvds are £8 each all unseen footige...iff not satisfied I will give a full refund
  14. just want to thank every one for ther comments and i will keep everyone informed..
  15. hi just brout a pup and had him a couple of weeks and he has come down with parvo..hes been out of the vets for 2 days now and hes been on a drip and antibiotics..but he is not eating much and when he does he just sicks it back up..can anyone tell me iff they have a special remady..or somthing to build him up fast..as hes lost a great deal of weait..cheers caspa
  16. how is the saluki greahound bred?
  17. 1 PUP REMAINING - another member NIGHTY , sending deposit and details .. CL any left?..as my brother wants 2..dogs or bitches
  18. Do you no wat this dog was like
  19. I did not fink sploge was that old..so does anyone no how lod he and captain woud be now
  20. Ther goes that...anyone no why
  21. Hi I got asked by somone about the dog sploge bred from captain..won the ledgends cup 2005..he wants to put to a bitch.. I don't no how she's bred but herd some good things about her..iff anyone coud find out a contact number of the owner and drop me a pm I woud apprecate it...and a pic iff any one got 1..cheers
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