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Everything posted by caspa

  1. I don't agree but your entitled to your opinion..I think its great to buy and sell and breed quality dogs.however I can understand ware you are coming from..ther are some people who keep ther dogs in apaling conditions don't even work them and then go and just breed for cash..that's wat I call rong..as for a pashenate dog worker and breeder I thing its the best buzz of all breeding qualaty and seeing how they turn out.making frendsand dealing with other dog men meeting up and seeing your breed run is somthing else
  2. great post mate and I could'nt agree more fare play
  3. hers the dame last night for a stroll..
  4. what a surprise the only posts you have made are in caspas threads or the for sale section, the reason im saying this is there are far to many people breeding and selling dogs, theres also to many passing dogs about. the for sale section on here is being abused by these people. its the dogs who suffer at the end of the day. the rescue centres are full of lurchers etc. as for selling dogs for mates, that excuse has been over used i think. A LURCHER ISNT A PRODUCT TO MAKE PROFIT ON. my dogs are all well looked after pal..u read in to this to much,this is my hobby and i injoy buying and sel
  5. Not off the top of my head but ill see wat ther is about
  6. I know a lot of people who aske me to sale ther dogs and I'm allways interested in top dogs who isant..I hope u didant mean anything by it theres only 3 people in abbey wood who can use a computer and hes one of them so they ask him to sell there dogs Haha.....I'm also the onley1 who can read and write lol yh there aint many of us about did you hear bout alf and bill No wat
  7. Give us aring when u get the chance..I woud ring u but your phon ain working
  8. I know a lot of people who aske me to sale ther dogs and I'm allways interested in top dogs who isant..I hope u didant mean anything by it theres only 3 people in abbey wood who can use a computer and hes one of them so they ask him to sell there dogs Haha.....I'm also the onley1 who can read and write lol
  9. I don't no wat they get out of it..I always want good who don't I got time for them and room so why not..I also like to breed from qualty dogs wats rong with that
  10. I know a lot of people who aske me to sale ther dogs and I'm allways interested in top dogs who isant..I hope u didant mean anything by it
  11. Nice to hear george..I said 9 didant i
  12. im sick 2 bein a city boy :sick:
  13. i did with mine..u beter get some pics up [bANNED TEXT] she has them all..lol
  14. the 1 other the back george i have dicided to keep him iff u dont want him
  15. 2 dogs and 1 bitch all featherd.ready now ring for more info..07984541722.pics to follow..£300 each.comes with free dvd of the sire working..all wormed and flead..eating and drinking
  16. Dont belive the "Hype" Averageing 15 a week in Jan Sold for £7500 There bred as a "stop gap" while a certain someones ban is up, on -"wizz-bang"- off Very handy on smaller land and average quarry the shorty bitch had 114 from 123 last season killed her first 62 without missing, and was sold for 5k the quarry must be no good pal very tricky but not outstanding, we got a bitch here though and she ran 167 in one season and she missed 5/6 and i would say 90% were on the fens out of the 5/6 she missed 1 was in the forley legends and other 2 were in other comps
  17. My mate got a little bitch don't stop yapping but she does her job very well so no complaints here
  18. Glad u liked him mate I think he somthing else aswell..did u get your copy katetess?
  19. Nice bitch wat do she stand at.?and wats the reason for sale..
  20. Ok 4 dogs and 2 bitches left..every pup comes wormed flead and a free copy of sire working 3 hours worth
  21. Real nice pup I woud have had it myself iff I had the room
  22. shear class..and i always new he was game even from a pup..i must get some pups from him some time
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