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Everything posted by caspa

  1. and this is the bitch.she stands at 25tts
  2. here are the pics people have been asking about..
  3. I can send 1 to you mobile just send ya numba..remember ther are 2 people both dogs doing ther stuff..and must be gone 2day
  4. Pens sold dogs must go today....£250 each for good proven dogs
  5. Look boys [NO TEXT TALK] who wants these dogs can collect..iff not happy u can bring em back..iff any one got permission I woud let you see em run.I no its hard to beleve but the 2 cost me £1600 at the start of the season..and iff they stay here I will end up going again.and to be honest I have got 4 diffrent court dats waiting no driving licence..and 3 cars down so they going by 2morow watever happens
  6. Hi I have 2 coursing dogs for sale.dog 3 year old black n tan 23tts cream bitch 25tts.3 year old..both dogs proven.and reason for sale is I'm giving up.its too mutch trouble for me.the 2 are £500 bargen for wat they stand me in
  7. u up for a days coursing

  8. give me a ring mate.im guted for you.i have 5 so you can take 1 of mine free of charge works daytime.not dont lamp my dogs but im sure she woud take to it nicely.shes a cracker with good breeding in her.pm me
  9. well i accepted your challenge im still waiting on your pm i will iff thats ok?just up for the crack my number is 07903896901...
  10. He was a little older then that trust me..just wat I ehave seen
  11. Don't be silly.toney websters dog he was..seen him scrap he was..and trust me he was not 13months mate more like2 years
  12. I don't. Think so mate..my pal owned him toney webster.I have seen him mate he was no good when I see him..he came from erith..every one round here nows buddy.I no at least half the coursing men round her have seen him run
  13. Well as I foult..as good a bitch there is about..do you still have the black dog luke..and how is he running?
  14. Sorry I did not relize who's bitch this was..all I have to say is iff u saying buddy has never been to a good bitch he has now coz this bitch was sold for a lot of money..iff its the black and white bitch I have seen?
  15. Not a lover on buddy seen him run [bANNED TEXT] t webster owned him..and ain't seen any good young ones from him yet..not saying the pup won't be a good one..with foxey and charley being grandparents..
  16. pure bred saluki bitch for sale out of khan, no papers 12months old £500,kent 07776352214
  17. 2 dog pups for sale, 3 1/2 months old, the dad is barney, the mum is foxy charlie. Also a 6week old bitch for sale, out of peggy and the dad is bred from snowy and casper. A 12month old bitch, out of khan, 3/4 saluki. A2yr old dog out of barney, and the mother is full sister to nell no time wasters, selling dogs due to ban 07776352214,kent
  18. arite jay..hows the feethee

  19. Send a pic to 07984541722.and I will see wat I can do..wats his breeding?
  20. I will give £300..iff u let me see him run 2mora
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