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elmer fudd

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Everything posted by elmer fudd

  1. Best of luck getting this sorted Deker. I`m not keen on shooting in a field where stock are in. Cows can sleep with their heads turned and can be as black as the ace of spades so they can blend into the night easily on the limits of your beam . It`s not until they wake up and you see their eyes that you can tell they are out there at a distance.
  2. Here`s mine .10 year old and starting to slow down a bit.
  3. Are any ASE Utra mods stripp-able for cleaning or do they not need to be cleaned ?
  4. Blimey those hares must be breeding like rabbits !
  5. Does a fox reduce the population of natural ground nesting birds ? I have some partridges and pheasants unkeepered and would prefer to see them flourish. As well as lapwing and curlew and the odd duck . Plenty of rabitts , foxy does`nt seem to get on top of them . My father had 120 chickens killed in one night. years later a pen full of turkeys so he has his own view on mr. fox !
  6. How much do you find the scopes alter their accuracy when you remove them and put them back on ?
  7. Thought I`d show you this mornings spoils. Two other guns got approximately the same amount of birds. The farmer is pleased as they were digging up his drillings which would lead to a thin crop. He leaves the gas gun on through the week then switches it off the night before we arrive. Then they get an early morning wake up call ! We`ve done two sundays in a row , 120 - 130 less to bother the farmer. It`s always satisfying getting rid of some excess vermin.
  8. Just to add , two magpies have been shot and it was a sickly lamb . We`ll have to see if it`s the end of the lamb problem. It will depend on if there are any more slow lambs and any more problem birds i suppose, not nice for the farmer at all.
  9. Could a magpie take a new born lambs eyes and tongue or do you think something else started on the lamb and the magpie joined in ?
  10. I was out with a mate shooting crows over a drilled field , we got about 50. The farmer was well pleased. They must have got a taste for the drilled seed as they kept coming in even when picking up the shot ones . Great sport ! There`s far too many in the countryside in my opinion.
  11. A ha i see ! Or the rabbits see is the problem ! If the tube is good, at a reasonable range could you leave the illuminator switched off ? Whats the best conditions to go out in regarding moonlight with nv? ?Does nv work best in pitch black I was out in a bright moon and clear skies and i could see my shadow, so mr. rabbit would definitely see me .I live 3 miles from a small town and i get light pollution, will this effect a nv device ? No doubt he could hear me ,it`s either dry and no wind or chucking it down so you squelch every where ! Is there several types of illuminators ? i presum
  12. I think it is a fixed mag of x 6. it certainly is a clear picture, nvscopes import them i think. no more lamp shy quarry, happy hunting richie. thought i saw one for sale on airgunbbs, only a few weeks old , it sold straight away
  13. you could have a quiet word with the master of the hounds,their boss. do they hunt on that land ? they can be overly possesive,especially with their foxes ! soory i mean the land they drag hunt on of course !
  14. thanks for welcome everyone. off for a spot of rabbit control tonight
  15. Thank you. There`s some good information on this forum and I haven`t looked in all the areas yet !
  16. Thought I`d put my first post on here although I`ve been digging about and learning alot for a little while. I`ve used air guns as a youngster then shotguns and rimfire then centrefire. (looking for a .243 shortly when founds allow) I work in the countryside and see and appreciate wildlife everday but also like to even things out a bit I seem to get more satisfaction from vermin control or pigeon shooting than my little experience (2 half days) of game shooting. I`m not too hot on the computer so bear with me,tried to get a picture up of five roe I saw today All the best . found
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