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Everything posted by peashooter

  1. Right to reload my 223 homeloads Brass - 0p Powder - 9p primer - 3p bullet head - 30-35p so for homeload before you buy the equipment is about 45p privi is about 38p each but with my homeloads I can use whichever bullet heads I like and I can group under 1/2" everytime on the range, it is not about cost it is another side to our sport of hunting. I reload for 38 special, 357 magnum, 223, 270, 762 x 54 & a every shotgun size there is just about. Rich.
  2. I have a 1-12 twist and mine seems to like 50grn bullets the best, I can shoot 40 or 55 but I can get a 1/2" group at 100yds with the 55's you just need to adjust the powder for the other bullets but I can only manage a 3/4"-1" group with the others. Rich.
  3. you will find a lot of good powders and lods out there, I use VIHT n120 & 50gn v-max & I can cloverleaf 3 of them at 100yds in an enclosed range with 21.5grn's but put that up to 22grn's and it opens out to 1" so you will havce to try for your self. all I will say is when you find a load stick with it buy bulk of the supplies because as long as you dont put them together you can hold lots more bullets, power & cases than you have on your ticket it is not until you actually put them together and make a round up that it counts in your allowence. Rich.
  4. I have one on my .22 and I have no bother either they are a great little mod, as for the centrefire mod I have a mate who is getting one for his 223 so I will let you know. Rich.
  5. I have finally got my FAC through, It arrived this morning. I have just got to find some pennies for my new toys. Rich.
  6. I know this wont help with the gun you have but if you get a 3 1/2" chambered gun it will cycle any 3" cartridge and spit them out for fun as the ejection port is bigger. Rich.
  7. PM me with an email address & I will send you a list of proof marks. I am interested to know what these marks are on as they dont add up??? Rich.
  8. Well I havent read all the post but this must be the worst. I can not tell all details as would prob's be kicked of for being too crude but here goes. Now use your imagination and I am sure you will fill in anything I have to miss out. There were about 60 young british squadies in a bar in denmark many years ago & 55 young men went through 1 "yes 1" prostitute at £10 each, now for a bet the last man when finished went down somewhere very sticky and goooowie & ate a lot of his and 54 other sqaudies "well you can guess". Still I got £150 of the prossy for setting the bet up
  9. All I do with my spud's is get the cheapo growbags cut them in half turn inside out and use them to grow your spuds in. 2 pots and your compost for £1. they are easier to move around than a dustbin aswell if you need to move them. Rich.
  10. Anyone go ferreting in North Yorkshire, Harrogate, Skipton that area I would really like to have a go I would be happy to help out just to experience ferreting. Cheers Rich.
  11. "Rifle Club" If you are talking target, HMR is not an accepted target tool, although FMJ is now available. .223 is much more accepted as a target tool! I suspect you should count your blessings, I wish my man would say F**k off, you can't have a .223, have a .5O, that will do everything a .223 will and more! Mind you..if you shop around you will find .223 ammo cheaper than HMR, actually, the more I think about it your man is pretty useful!! I am a member of a rifle & pistol club but I also have about 3500 acres I have permission to shoot on in North Yorkshire & a
  12. A few of the lads at the rifle club told me that the F/A officer would say no to hmr he prefers you to have a .223. There is nothing I can do but wait and hope he retires Rich.
  13. Whole story and no bullshit, how would you know what was said to me Sorry i didnt notice you sat in my kitchen when I was talking to the F/A officer. That was what he said to me word for word.
  14. sportingshooter06, no he would not let me have a .17hmr. He said a .223 will do everything a .17hmr would and more so I didnt need one, North Yorks police. This is my first FAC cert so I am going to give it another 12 months or so and try again, he is correct in a way the 223 will do everything a 17 will and I have a 22lr for short range bunnies. Rich.
  15. Speak to your Fire arms police officer first as mine would not let me have a .17hmr as I have .223 & he said the .223 will do anything a .17 will do and more so just check with him before you waste any time, I would keep the .22lr aswell if he will let you there are times when a .17 or .223 are overkill. Rich.
  16. I put in for my FAC begining of Feb, I got a letter saying 3 months backlog. But I got a phone call today asking if F/A officer could come tomorrow, I have a SG cert already but I am not sure what he is coming for tomorrow as he only came 2 months ago to give me my new North Yorkshire SG cert ?????? Rich
  17. I shoot in North Yorkshire on a small pheasant shoot and this year we have had a little side bet going during the pheasant season, 4 of us have had crayfish traps of varying designs in the local river. Now we have had some really good catches but with the floods latley we have lost a few traps but the best one we have had is as follows - Sat afternoon is normally when we check traps after shoot so we goes up on said sat afternoon which I might add was following quite a bad flood so we had not been able to find our traps all week, so off we pops and get's to the river I cant find my trap a
  18. Hope you dont mind but I would like to know the same aswell I am waiting on a .223 and I will be reloading also. Cheers Rich
  19. First class program, I wish they would tell the whole truth & show people the captive bolt gun as it is not a stunner it shoots out a 4" rod straight into the brain so I think the poor wee little critters are dead after that not just stunned It is when the throats get cut that most people were sqeaming. The movement made by the animal after a captive bolt gun is just nervous twitching when we slaughter the lambs for us to eat we allways cut the head straight off after the captive bolt gun and I have had them kicking the hell out of me even a minute or so after the removal of the head. :si
  20. How does the amount of twist effect bullet weight ie;- whats the difference between 1-8, 1-9 or 1-12 how does it effect a bullet, Cheers Rich
  21. It will be for deer & pos boar, the .223 will be for small deer and foxes. I homeload shotgun & other calibre's so was hopeing to sort out a load with less recoil. Its the speed and flatness or the calibre that I liked the look of Rich.
  22. I am thinking about a .270 rifle, can anyone give me any feedback on this calibre and or bullet weight anything really Cheers Rich.
  23. As a newbie to the world of wildfowling, I am not sure on all the politics. I dont think the worlds of wildfowling is going to get any easier do you Rich.
  24. Sounds Like a good wildfowling area Linc's is it north or south. I am looking for a new wildfowling club for next season to expand my avaliable area as I only have 2 marshes on south Humber at the moment. any reccomemdations wag or john5 Cheers
  25. Right, I am looking for a bit of advice here. I dont know which rifle to go for, I am looking for a long range bunnie & a foxing rifle. It would help me greatly with my decision if you all could give me you thought's on which rifle to choose and why. Rich.
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