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Everything posted by stormrider8

  1. hes doin fine aswell thanks mate, yea hes started to see a bit, ill put some pics up come jan/feb of him for you
  2. Hows the black bull cross comin on mate. Aint seen him for a while! Must be workin now?
  3. Hows the black bull cross comin on mate. Aint seen him for a while! Must be workin now?
  4. ive found that the other way round. collies running good one night , one of the best ive seen , next time not picking up just herding them or coming back looking like hed treid . brains is another word for sly fecer . bull cross , what you see is what you get . very true, very rarely will you see a bull cross pick its runs like a collie cross. And if you pick the right pup from the start the agility will be there too!
  5. Top photo mate, them ferrets are certianly relaxed around that dog. Bet theres only a a small amount that could put a picture like that up..
  6. Got mine with sainsburys. Paid an absolute fortune in vet bills in the past, only thing they wouldn't cover was when a bitch had to have a c section. Cost a fortune. They said i needed a breeders insurance!!!
  7. Had one which chased a rabbit into a dissused hospital and ran into a 6 inch nail! right in her face, Ouch!! Was ok though. Same dog died chasing a cat in the garden, she broke her back! she was an old beddie cross who didnt know when to through in the towell. Seen a deerhound cross break its neck runninig deer in long grass.
  8. Sounds like it just needs training to me!! easy just start from the beginning. try gettin him to retrieve a rabbit skin, when he does it praise him to bits..
  9. Yep its definately like that if you go out local where i live. You have to travel alot further round here now, there are so many more into it now local spots tend to get hammered . Used to take 2 dogs out years back but now like Bird says ,only need the one.
  10. Just wondering if anyone has fished Chesil or the Bristol channel in the last few weeks? Im talking from the beach.. thanks Chris
  11. Good one mate. How was the fishin though?
  12. At the time i owened mine i worked on a farm and took him with me. I used to put him in a box at the back of quad ,and when off the road would run with the collie. He was as fit as and stamina never crossed my mind! Hes would catch day time hares for fun, no three minute runs though! as it was all over in 30 seconds!!!
  13. I had one bred from a Carl Williams whippet x daughter of ballireagan bob. if he was alive and in his prime i would not have a problem matchin him with any dog! Rabbits day time hare or even roe! He would make alot look average.. hes the fawn dog
  14. I never lamped them hard enough to find out mate as they were racers. They wern't really trained to lamp properly, if they missed the first catch they used to do laps of the field!! Was a nightmare gettin them back, but they very rarely missed.
  15. I used to lamp greyhounds every now and then, it used to get them race fit very quickly! But you always risked the chance of injury. I have only had three of them but they all had very high prey drives and would kill almost anything if they got the chance!! Saw a small bitch once kill a cocker type dog!
  16. i agree, was having this conversation with a mate the other day. Unfortunately around here theres just not enough around to work 2 dogs anymore.
  17. I reckon you get good all round dogs with all types. Iv seen some crackin collie greys that do the lot, and also bull greys that are capable of the same. Surely theres no breed which comes out on top as an all rounder!!
  18. Thats a cracking perm u had stormy waitin for that.
  19. She was a bit of everything mate but threw alot to the beddie side. She was only small dog but was as game as, she was born with a short tail, dont know why? Long gone now though.
  20. Nothin wrong with that mate!
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